Sanford : head-canons

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- while on a long drive, Sanford and Deimos spot a broken down and partly on fire truck.

- Usually, Sanford wouldn't think much of it. But a gut feeling caused him to stop the car he was driving.

- Deimos asked him what was up. Sanford explains that he feels off about something.

- The two get out and investigate, Deimos doesn't understand why until he finds a person still stuck in the driver's seat, wounded and unconscious.
"Hey, Sanford! There's a person here!" 

- That was the day that Sanford saved your life...

- You awaken in a sterile smelling place. Above you is a blurry grey blob with large black eyes, staring unblinkingly. As your vision clears, you discover that a grey blob is a man. 

- The very moment you wake up, Sanford is asking you many questions your dazed mind can't handle at the moment. Who do you work for? What happened to you? What were you doing? 

- 2Bdamned had to pull Sanford back to grand you some space to get your bearings. 

- The whole team was curious about this new person. Or why even Sanford and Deimos brought them here. And Sanford can't explain the feeling he had. 

- Once you're fully awake, you explain yourself to the team. You're a transporter, tasked to bring goods to the city nearest to this hideout. The A.A.H.W saw you as a threat and shot you down.

- 2Bdamned has a hard time believing your claims. But the way Sanford explains how they found you, makes some sense.

- It takes a few weeks for you to recover completely, left with a few scars and a story to tell.

- Doc felt it was a good time for you to leave and go on your own way again.

- Before that, you did some exercise to get back in shape after laying around for so long. You challenged Sanford to a sparring match.

- The whole team was rightfully surprised by your request. You were merely a transporter, right? What fighting skills did you have?

- After the match, you lost but still put up a very impressive fight.
Turns out that bandits are always after the goods you have on the road, and you have to defend those goods with hand to hand combat.


- After you have proven yourself useful to the team, you're allowed to stay. And Sanford is secretly happy about that, for some reasons unknown to him.

- Your role? You transport supplies to various S.Q. locations around Nevada.

- Everyone knows you as the one with all the goods. And now you got close ties with quartermaster Bert as business partners.

- It has become a sort of weekly thing to go sparring with Sanford. Which help you immensely if you have to fight off bandits again.

- You get close with Deimos, you got a similar sense of humour.
Much to the annoyance of Sanford. Deimos found a new prank partner.

- Actually, you got closer with Deimos first. And then with Sanford. Deimos gladly lights your cigarette for you with his thumb. You never questioned how he does it.

- Hank doesn't seem to mind you much.
It is just a good thing that he views you as an ally and has no intention of harming you.

- 2Bdamned is glad about a transporter who can get around with all his supplies if the team needs to move around again.

- You pleaded with the team to help you get back your beloved truck. Without that thing, you can't do much transporting.

- You're an experienced driver, really good at driving large vehicles while under pressure. It's your great talent. Even before becoming a freelance, you're a skilled trucker. 

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