Chapter 30

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The rest of the day isn't anything interesting, rather plain actually. I'm like a zombie, not realizing what's going on and then I find myself at home, sitting on my bed, motionless.

How did I get here?

Well Don't Ask Me, Because. I. Don't. Know.

I feel lost and confused. Why did I turn away from Andrew like that? Why did I not kiss him? Why am I acting so weird?

It's confusing me so much.

I collapsed onto my bed, my arms spread out in response and my body facing the ceiling.

I huff.

I'm so lost.

I shake my head at these thoughts, trying to wipe away these feelings, thoughts, this… confusion.

I scream, frustrated with myself as I rock my body from side to side in anger on my soft bed.

I can feel myself about to explode but instead I'm found in darkness, fast asleep in my misery.

I wake with a headache, groaning as I get up to change, I might as well not go to school, but it's Friday, one more day won't do me harm, right?


Walking into my last class of the day, it really hasn't been that bad of a day, I just zoned out of most of it. Lunch was a bore, sitting alone at a table. I was tempted to eat in the bathroom like how they do it in the movies, but I stayed still. And now, here I am, mindlessly walking into my last class of the day.

I land in exhaustion in my seat, why am I always so tired?

I lay my head on the desk, planning to sleep through the class but the bell interrupts this plan as it blazes through the air, causing a groan to escape my mouth.


The teacher walks in with a slam of his books, making me bounce just like the bell made me whine internally. I try to ignore the sounds of this room and focus on laying on the desk instead.

"Ms. Haden, please focus!" the teacher says, calling me out.

I groan silently and slowly turn my head to face the teacher.

"Okay, where were we with our last discussion in Sex Ed?"

"Oh, no," I groan silently, probably what every other kid is doing.

"Now don't fuss, this is important, Sexual Activity might be in most of your brains right now and might happen soon,"

I roll my eyes in disgust.

"So, I'm here to teach you to be safe, because so many times, accidents do occur, and what do we get...a baby,"

Somebody begins to make a cry sound, everybody giggles in return.

"Stop," the teacher interrupts sternly, causing the class to quiet down."So, we want to avoid that, one way is to use condoms, has anybody heard of that?"

Everybody groans in response.

"You know what, I can see nobody enjoys this class, so we can skip last period, how about that?" the teacher suggests and everybody stands up immediately.

"Sit down," he pipes, "I was joking, just because you don't like something doesn't mean you shouldn't learn about it. Now..." he begins his lecture again, "What we need to teach at this school, and to be honest, every school, is that the reality of having a child is hard at any age, but could you imagine having a child now... at sixteen? That's a big commitment and you're not even fully developed yet either. So, to keep it completely safe, you shouldn't do it at all,"

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