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cassie was beyond excited to tell robby that she wouldn't have to move to new york with her dad. once the blonde had arrived at the larusso household, she rung the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

the door soon opened to reveal sam. ❝oh, hey cassie.❞ sam greeted the girl with a small smile. ❝hey sam. is robby here?❞ cassie asked nervously. ❝yeah, he's in his room. my dad told me the news, congrats. it really would've sucked not having you here.❞ sam stated honestly.

❝yeah, me too. which way is robby's room?❞ cassie asked as she walked into the house. ❝it's down the hall, second door on your right.❞ sam instructed. ❝thanks sammy.❞ cassie smiled before she began making her way towards robby's room.

it didn't take long before she reached his door. she softly knocked before hearing a soft ❝come in❞ from the other side of the door. ❝hey rob.❞ cassie smiled as she walked into the room.

❝hey gen. how did it go?❞ robby asked as he stood up from his bed. ❝aidan got full custody of all three of us.❞ cassie exclaimed before she jumped into robby's arms.

❝that's great! i'm really happy for you.❞ robby told the girl as he hugged her back. ❝me too! it means that i won't have to move across the country.❞ cassie smiled before the two pulled away.

the blonde hadn't realized how short life was until she feared she wouldn't see robby again. the mere thought of never seeing him again terrified her.

as she stared at him, all she could feel was admiration. he had stuck by her side through everything and had been her rock through it all. he showed her that he truly loved her and wanted her back more than anything.

in that moment, cassie knew that he was the one. he was the one all along and she needed to tell him before it was too late.

❝gen? are you okay?❞ robby asked as he noticed she was lost in thought. ❝i love you.❞ cassie blurted out causing robby's breath to hitch slightly. ❝what?❞ cassie took a deep breath in before she smiled at robby.

❝i love you. i've always loved you, robby. im sorry it took me forever to realize it but i love you. after everything that happened with my mom dying and then my dad trying to get custody of me, it made me realize that life was too short for me to be mad at you when all i want to do is be with you.❞

robby couldn't help but smile before he brought cassie into a sweet kiss. it had been months since the two had kissed but it felt like years.

❝i love you too, cassie. i love you so much.❞ robby whispered before he brought their lips together once again. their lips moved in perfect sync against each other.

the two walked back towards robby's bed before his knees hit against the bed causing him to sit down with cassie on top of him. her fingers ran through his hair as their lips continued to move in sync.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺, 𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈 Where stories live. Discover now