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cassie laid in her bed as the machine next to her breathed for her. Her face was still slightly bruised and her head was wrapped along with her neck being in a brace. aidan and riley sat next to each other as they kept their eyes on the girl lying still in the bed.

❝it's been two weeks, aidan. dakota and finn have been asking to come and see her.❞ riley told her brother as tears fell from her eyes. ❝i can't let them see her like this, riles. after what happened with mom, i can't let them go through this again.❞

❝what if she doesn't wake up? we can't let them not say goodbye to her.❞ riley tried to reason with her brother. ❝don't say that, riley. she'll wake up. she has to wake up.❞ aidan whispered as he tried not to cry.

cassie's condition hadn't improved in the slightest and it worried aidan. after her surgery, they were told that her injuries were far more extensive than they originally thought. cassie had a collapsed lung, a broken rib, a severe skull fracture, a brain bleed and a fractured facial bone.

not to mention that her seven cervical vertebrae were fractured when she had hit the stairs. ❝i'm sorry guys but we need to remove her catheter and insert a new one.❞ the nurse apologized as she walked into the room.

❝it's okay, we were just leaving, if anything changes, please let us know.❞ riley smiled before she turned to aidan. ❝let's go home and rest for awhile.❞ aidan cautiously nodded before he turned to cassie.

❝we're gonna go home and rest for a bit, cass. we'll be back tomorrow morning." aidan pressed a soft kiss onto her forehead before the two left, leaving cassie alone with the nurse.

❝you have a whole village waiting for you, cassie.❞ the nurse stated as she began to close the door and windows. ❝everyday, someone new comes to see if you're okay. mr larusso, sam, the one kid with the mohawk. they all come to see if you will wake up.❞

❝you have a lot waiting for you, cassie. i know you must be tired from fighting but you have to continue to fight. your family needs you, sweet girl.❞

cassie opened her eyes and sat upright in her bed but something felt off. she looked over at the nurse, who didn't pay any attention to her. ❝where am i?❞ cassie asked as she stood up. the nurse didn't hear her and had left after changing her catheter.

cassie turned around to see her lifeless body laying before her. her eyes began to sting as she felt the wind knock out of her. how could she see herself right now? was she dead? was this her own form of hell?

❝hey you.❞ cassie turned to see sam and mr larusso standing in the doorway. ❝sam, mr larusso.❞ cassie smiled as she went to hug them but they went right through her and towards her body. ❝there's still no news on miguel or robby. everyone in the county is looking for him.❞ sam frowned as she held onto cassie's hand.

❝we've been having dinner with your siblings and it isn't the same without you there. there's no laughter, there's no happiness. we all look at your empty seat and wish that you were there.❞ sam cried causing cassie's heart to break.

❝i'm going to go talk with the nurses, i'll be back.❞ daniel told his daughter before he left the room. ❝this is all my fault. if i hadn't left you alone with tory, none of this would be happening. we would be enjoying our junior year of high school.❞ sam frowned.

❝you couldn't have predicted this would happen, sammy. what happened to me was an accident and there's no way you could've prevented it.❞ cassie comforted the girl but it was no use, sam couldn't hear her.

❝tory and robby got expelled from school. tory was sent to juvie for a while but she's about to be out and i'm terrified. i can't even climb the stairs after what happened to you. how am i suppose to see her?❞ sam cried causing cassie to cry as well.

❝i, uh, i have a letter from robby that he sent a week ago. i've hid it from my dad and i waited until now to read it to you because we were hardly ever alone.❞ sam chuckled as she pulled it out.

❝to my dearest cass, i'm sure by the time you read this i'll be far away from reseda. i'm sorry that i didn't come see you in the hospital. i can't bare the thought of seeing you in a hospital bed. after seeing you unconscious on the stairs, i knew i had to leave.

i know that me leaving isn't fair to you but you deserve better. all my life, i have done everything wrong but when i met you, it seemed like i had finally done something right. you were the reason why i stopped stealing.

you were the reason why i was bettering myself. i did it all for you but now looking back at it, it seems like i failed you. i'm sorry for all of the pain that i caused. i never meant to hurt you. i love you more than you could ever imagine. which is why i'm leaving.

goodbye cassie. robby.❞ sam read before she folded the piece of paper and stuffed it inside of her bag. ❝i haven't seen or heard from robby since then, cass.❞ cassie looked away as she wiped away the tears that had spilt from her eyes.

❝please come back to us, cassie. we all miss you and it's hard going to school and not having you there with us.❞ cassie watched as sam gave her body one last look before she left.

it hurt to see everyone grieving her absence and she could only imagine how hard it must be for robby. she hoped that he was okay and that he was staying safe. cassie was too deep into her thoughts that she didn't recognize her father walking into the room.

❝hi cass.❞ he breathed out as he sat down beside her. ❝i know i'm probably the last person you'd want to visit you but i just wanted you to know that i love you. i haven't shown you that i do and i'm sorry.❞

❝i tried so hard to change and be the dad you want me to be but i feel like it's all too late. i was never there for you when you were younger and aidan was and i'm glad he was able to be the father you need.

he was and always will be a much better father to you than i was but that doesn't mean i don't want to get to know my daughter. the reason why i left was to better you guys off.

i wasn't much of a dad before i left and i'm not much of a dad now. i just want a second chance and i should've never threatened to take you away from the only dad you've ever known.

i promise that things will be different when you wake up. i'll try and make up for lost time with each and every one of you and i'll try and be there for you when you need me. just please wake up, cass.❞ he sighed as he caressed cassie's hair.

cassie felt her heart break as she watched her dad beg her to wake up. she wanted to but she just didn't know how. she didn't know how to wake up and go back to her loved ones.

❝please wake up.❞ cassie told herself as she walked over towards herself. ❝wake up, wake up, wake up.❞ cassie yelled as she hit the bed, tears falling from her eyes. ❝wake up, wake up, wake up.❞ cassie yelled, unaware of the nurses running down the hall.

❝don't you dare do this to aidan you selfish bitch.❞ she cursed angrily. ❝we just lost mom, they can't lose you too!❞ she yelled as she grabbed her hair roughly. ❝please just wake up.❞ she cried as she heard beeping coming from down the hall.

she exited her room and down the hall where nurses rushed into the room. she stood in the doorway as she watched the nurses gather around him.

it was only then when she realized who laid on the bed in front of her. ❝miguel.❞ she breathed out before she heard a gasp escape his lips and his eyes open. he was awake and she wasn't.


you guys aren't ready for what I have in store for the walker family 

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺, 𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈 Where stories live. Discover now