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"Zhong Chenle!"

The mentioned boy lifted his head to find Minju beaming down at him. "You didn't hear me?"

Chenle shook his head, pointing at his airpods he was wearing. "Aah, I didn't even see them." She plopped an iced latte in front of him.

"Oh, thanks, Min." He immediately unwrapped the straw and took a sip of the drink. 

"What's up with you?" Minju questioned as she watched him silently drink his latte as he looked around his surroundings.

Chenle placed the drink back down on the table, meeting Minju's gaze. "Nothing's up."

"Really? Because it seems to me like you're looking for someone?" Minju teased, watching as his expression instantly changed.

"No, I'm not. I'm just tired and- And I think I had math homework I forgot about."

"You're a terrible liar, Chenle. Now tell me the tea." Minju leaned slightly closer to hear what Chenle had to say.

However, the boy simply sighed as he played with the straw of his drink. "There's no tea, Min-" Before he could finish his sentence, Chenle's phone lit up with a notification.

He went to grab the device, but Minju was too fast for him. "You're like a child, I swear to God." Chenle rolled his eyes as Minju giggled like a little kid as she unlocked his phone.

"It's from Eun Ae, omg?!" She couldn't contain her excitement. The two of them seem to be talking more now, just like she wanted.

Chenle tried taking the phone from her, but Minju simply pulled away. "She's asking where you are? Now why would she be asking such a thing?"

"Give my phone back, right now." Chenle's voice was stern, clearly annoyed by Minju's childishness.

Minju laughed, finally giving in and handing the device back to Chenle. "Why so grumpy, old man?" She continued to tease to which Chenle only rolled his eyes.

He didn't even bother to respond as he focused his attention to replying Eun Ae's message. Soon Jisung and Sua joined them too, taking seats at the table. "Hello, friends."

"Hi!" Minju greeted, nudging Chenle to get his attention.

"Oh, hey," The boy said before going right back to texting.

This time Minju rolled her eyes, resting her head on her palm. "He's too busy talking to his new girlfriend to even pay attention to us."

"She's not my girlfriend, stupid." Chenle was quick to defend, sending Minju a glare.

She shrugged, completely ignoring his statement. "He even got so defensive when I tried to read their messages. And here I thought we shared everything with each other." Minju dramatically sighed, throwing her head onto Chenle's shoulder.

"Damn, Chenle. What happened to best friends forever?" Jisung teased, causing Sua to stifle a laugh.

Chenle shook Minju off him. The girl feigned offense, resting her hand on her chest. "Did you just friendzone me?"

"What?" Chenle asked, looking at Minju with a confused look on his face. His friends just started laughing at him, which he didn't understand and didn't even feel like trying to understand at that point. "You guys are horrible. The absolute worse."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess." Sua said.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Chenle mocked the girl, pulling weird faces at her.

"Hey! I don't sound like that!" Sua protested, leaning over the table to slap Chenle's shoulder. The boy pretended to be scared but stuck his tongue out right as Sua retracted her hand. "You're annoying."

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