1:First Day Back

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{Listen to any sad piano music for the full effect. I cried writing it. Hope you enjoy!}

I wore my teal blazer over my white dress with a pair of teal kicks. My hair was braided up with a bow at the start of the bun. Looking once in the mirror, I saw someone looking back at me. It may have been my body. My face. My hair. My look. But it wasn't me. I saw the broken girl that was placed in different places. Different families. Different lives for so long. It wasn't the Carter Rock I wanted to be. It was the broken Carter Rock that was abused. The one who had to deal with loss. Who still has to deal with it. 

"Drop it Carter," I said to myself. "Everything has changed." I was about to say something else when I saw Courtney standing behind me. 

"It's not over Carter," she said. I freaked out, jumping to see if she was really there. When I turned, nothing... I was by myself again. What could that have been? Courtney isn't...She's not.. She's gone. 

"Carter we're going," Harry said coming into my room. "Are you okay?" I looked over at him to see he had a worried look on his face. I was snapped into reality when he came and touched my shoulder. "Carter?"

"I'm fine," I smiled taking his hand away. "I'm okay. Really." I began to walk out of the room and down the steps. What could have that been?


-Harry's POV-

She looked like she had seen a ghost. Or a bad memory. She hasn't recorvered fully. She only remembers the good things as we know of. The doctor said it all may come back any day know. Or if we're lucky, small parts at a time. 

"I'm fine," she said smiling at me. "I'm okay. Really." She removed my hand, walking towards the door. Her footsteps signaled that she was already down stairs. I was about to leave when I saw a journal stashed under her garbage. Smart move that one. 

Usually I woudn't look threw her things, but my mom is extremely worried about her. 

I picked it up and flipped through the first couple pages. 

January 11th

I'm back at Annes place. I like it. It's different from the other places. I have something I want to tell people but.. I'm scared. I don't know if I can. What if things go differently than I think they're gonna go? I don't know Best for right now just to keep it between me and myself. 

Febuary 3rd

I don't want them to go. I barley get to see them to begin with and now they are going to Italy. Not to mention Niall and I JUST started dating. But I think right now I need Harry more than anything. I can't go on without saying something. I need him. But I already hang around him like a lost puppy. What if... No it wouldn't happen. 

March 17th

Well they have been gone for a week and  I don't think I can manage. I did it last night. The razor lays on the bathroom floor with the blood stains across a small pink towel. I did it crying. I hate doing it. So many memories it brings. I hate being alone. I hate the feeling. I need them. I need someone. 

At this point I felt as if I was going to cry. Did she really not want us to go that bad? Why wouldn't she say anything? Why didn't she tell us? 

March 22nd

I made a bold move and tried to call her again. Nothing. Still nothing. She has ignored everything. I have tried called more than several times. And to top off the end of my night.. Harry hasn't called in three days and that was the only thing holding me together. I did it. I wrote the words into my skin. The words I truely wish no one would ever think of them selves. BROKEN.

Finding Hope (Sequel to Adopted.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora