25: Last Time

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"Why at a thrift shop?" I asked as we broke into Daniel's house. We had to climb through the window for well.. You know. 

"Maybe we wanted to go thrift shoping?" Niall asked with a goofy grin. I gave him a 'are you stupid' look, walking past him. "What?" 

"Just grab the weapons we need," I sighed, looking through his house. "I don't like being in here." 

"I thought Daniel lived in London," Niall said taking a gun from a chest of drawers. 

"He does," I replied. "This is his American house. He told me he would come and visit his parents a lot so he bought this." Niall didn't reply. 

"So you talked to him?" he asked, jaw clenched. Wow. I didn't know Niall was the jealous type. 

"Well yeah," I replied. Niall didn't answer once more. "I needed a friend for that little while when you guys were gone. He was there." 

"You guys were just friends?" he asked, stopping his search. I looked at him with another, 'are you stupid' look. 

"Does it even matter Niall? He is dead!" Niall's jaw clenched, fist forming. "Okay yes. I might have kissed him. But it doesn't even matter." 

"Doesn't matter?" Niall nearly yelled. "Why doesn't it matter?" I looked up at him once more. "Carter you are my girlfriend. It matters to me. You still kissed another guy while we were dating!" I didn't reply. 

"Look Niall I am sorry," I replied. "I wasn't thinking when I did it. And he made the first move. I was just really lonely and felt a little unwanted for a while. It wasn't meant to happen and it was wrong of me. I'm sorry. Okay? But right now we have bigger problems besides our relationship. Our friends could seriously get hurt or even worse killed." He softened up a little. "And no matter what happens I will always love you. I regreted kissing him. I felt like a ho for doing it. I love you Niall." I went back to looking for suplies as Niall came up behind me. He wrapped a secure grasp around my waist, pulling me into his chest. 

"Carter," he sighed. 

"Niall please," I said removing his grip. But his hand wrapped aroun my arm again but this time ten times harder. 

"Look I'm sorry," he said softly. 

"Why?" I asked. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was the whore and kissed the guy. I shouldn't have done it. Break up with me. Go home. I don't care. I just want to save my friends." I ripped my arms away from him, going back to looking for things. I found money, guns, and other things that he said would be here. I shouldn't trust what Daniel said but right now we needed things. 

Niall sat down, examining his gun before looking up at me. I didn't bother to look back. "You know your hair looks really good short." I stopped searching for a minute. "I like it. You look cute." I looked over at him. He looked pretty beat. His eyes were red, hair everywhere. "I don't want to lose you Carter." He sniffled a little. "Losing someone you love is probably the hardest thing that could ever happen. And I don't want to lose you. I'm worried about you. I sometimes wake up in the morining terrified, wandering if you're dead or not. It scares me. If I lost you Carter.. I.. I don't know what I would have done. Right now you mean the world to me. You're my everything. And I can't lose you." His eyes were on the verge of tears. I couldn't help but comfort him. 

I walked over, standing between his legs, letting his arms wrap around my not so small weist. I am not a size zero. I'm like a size 14. No lie. Niall's arms tangled together as he wrapped them around me. His face burried into my stomach as I propped my elbows on his shoulders. I ran my fingers through Niall's hair, playing with small peices. "Niall. You won't lose me." He looked up, teary eyed. I ran my thumb over his face, wiping away the tears. "I love you. Not Daniel. Not the kid down the street. You. I picked you. Or more like you picked me." He just smiled, showing me his beautiful teeth. 

Finding Hope (Sequel to Adopted.)Where stories live. Discover now