15: Waiting

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"Where did you find her?" I heard a faint voice say. The feeling of someones hand pressed against my leg. Oddly familiar actually. To familiar.

"I was walking down the street and she ran out of the building," I heard Will say. "She looked like she had seen a ghost. But when I tried to get her to talk, but she wouldn't. She was shaking like nobodies buisness."

"Did she say anything at all?"

"Harry," Will said softly. "She doesn't remember."

"So the black outs are getting longer and much worse." Blackouts? What blackouts?

I began to wiggle a little, trying to sit up. Success. My eyes fluttered open seeing Harry and Will talking. Harry had a smile on his face, happy to see me assume. "Hey baby girl."

"Hi," I replied. He pulled me into a half hug, kissing my forehead. "How long was I out?"

"Well you passed out after dinner yesterday at 6," Will replied. "And it's three in the afternoon."

"Wow," I said, running my hands through my hair.

"Worse than Zayn," Harry laughed.

"When did you get here?"


"Oh," I replied. I was still pretty tired. I don't even know how that was possible. I mean, I slept a long time. Geez.

"Why don't you go take a shower and we can get going yeah?" I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I walked into the plainly decorated bathroom and ran the water. When was the last time I even had one of these? The water was hot against my skin. The strawberry was ran across my body feeling wonderful may I add. I never wanted to leave. But I knew I had to.

I stepped out, wrapping one of the free towels around my waist. Harry must have come in and set new clothes down. I pulled on the oversized sweater, assuming it was either Harry's or Wills, and a pair of leggings. I stepped out seeing that that Harry and Will were talking at the table. I avoided the conversation by placing my clothes in the bag Harry had brought and slipped on my shoes. "Carter?" Crap.

"Yeah?" I asked coming into the kitchen.

"You ready to go?" I nodded. "Good. You know Will. I miss hanging with you. Give me a call sometime?"

"You bet broski," Will said shooting me a wink. "And Carter. When things die down, we still need a singer. You're always welcome."

"Thank you," I smiled back. "I will defiantly consider it."

"Well we better get going," Harry said throwing a jacket over my shoulders. "It's a bit nippy. Might want to wear this." He threw his favorite beanie over my head, opening the door.

We waved again to Will before getting into the car. Harry and I drove in silence for a while till he turned down the radio. "I think it's time I told you."

"Told me what?" I asked.

"Carter," he said softly. "About the blackouts." I waited patiently. "The drug that was in your system, had something in it that effected something in the brain. That thing is taking your memory."

"My memory?" I asked stupidly.

"The reason you can't remember anything. Every time you blackout is either under stress or lack of food or water. That's what triggers it. Every time you blackout as well, you lose a very important part of your memory. From when you were a child."

"Harry," I sighed. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I couldn't bec-"

"Because you wanted to 'protect me' or 'keep me from danger'? You really think that changes anything?"

"Don't say it like that."

"Like what? The truth?" He looked stunned. "Let's just get back." He pulled off to a small restaurant off the highway. "Harry I said let's go."

"You need to eat," he barked back.

"I'm not even hungry," I lied.

"Shut up and get in there," he practically yelled. One thing about Harry is that when he gets mad he gets scary. Really scary.

"Fine," I said pushing past him. "Not because I want to because you're paying." He scoffed, following behind. It was dangerous for us to be out like this. One, fans are in love with us. Yes both. Two, if we aren't with security, we get into trouble. And three, if we are fighting, we can cause WWIII. No joke.

"What do you want?" He asked. No answer. "Carter. What the hell do you want?"

"A better attitude from you and maybe the side of the truth."

"Just get her anything. She'll eat it," Harry said to the person behind the counter. She seemed pretty amused with the way I was being sassy. I was too. "Go sit down."

"Don't tell me what to do," I barked back. I walked into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall. Why was Harry being so... Weird about things? I mean, he has been sketchy around me. And it's getting creepy.

"Cater," Harry banged on the girls door. "Hurry up!"

"Can't a girl pee in peace?" I asked, knocking his shoulder aside. That made him mad. Even if you did it on accident it made him upset.

"Just go way your damn food."

"Stop swearing."

"Why?" He asked harshly.

"It's scaring the little kids around you," I replied sharply. "Respect the fact we're in public for once."

"Whatever," he said sitting across from me. I sat there in silence, eating my burger like I haven't eaten in ten years. It was that good. "Told you, you were hungry."

"Shut up Harry," I said glaring at him. "Let me eat my food in peace. Because apparently I can't pee in peace."

"Oh stop whining," he said rolling his eyes. "You're acting like a spoiled brat."

"Says the world wide pop star."

"Can you speed it up a bit?"

"No." He groaned.

"I'll be in the car." He stood up, walking out of the building

"Geez," I mumbled to myself. "Someone's PMSing."

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to!" He flipped me off, walking to his rental, waiting for me. Of I wasn't his sister he would have left me. No lie.

"Carter?" A women asked standing by my table. "Carter Rock?" She was to old to be a fan be to young to be considered a stalker. If 20 is young enough.

"May I help you?"

"I'm going to need to come with me down to the station," the women said.


"Missing persons report," she smirked. "I'm officer Rock." I choked on my burger, making so the women pat on my back lightly.

"Woah woah woah," I said looking up into her hazel eyes.

"You're Billi?"


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