10: Blast from the Past

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"Edward," I growled under my breath.

"You look beautiful Carter," he said not moving from the spot he was standing.

"What are you doing bere?" I asked, ignoring his compliment.

"I can't come to a party?" He asked.

"Quite frankly I don't care and I don't want to see you," I replied harshly.

"Carter," he said a little more forcefully. "We need to talk." I glared at his hand touching my arm. "Please."

"No Edward," I said once again. This time I got in face. "You kissed me even thought I had a boyfriend. You put my friends in danger. And now you act like everything is all honkey dorey? It's not Edward. It will never be. Now of you don't mind, I'm going to go find my brother." I began to walk away but he pulled me back into another room. He closed the door and locked it. "Let. Me. Go."

"Carter," he said again, more calmly now. "I need to talk to you." I honestly didn't have a choice in this matter.

"Go," I said crossing my arms over my chest. He exhaled sitting on one of the empty chairs.

"Three years ago, I'm not going tour to you..Harry and myself went looking for you." His face was serious. "In the process of looking, we came upon people who were looking for you. They weren't working for Derek. Or even your father in that matter. They were working for the CSI." He stopped again. "Your mom."

"Why were you guys looking for me?" I asked. 

"We knew Derek wanted to hurt you," he replied. "We didn't want you hurt. The reason I began working for him was to find you. I knew he was able to track you and if I joined forces with him, I would eventually find you. I had to fake a death for him. But when I found out you were being adopted by my mom, that didn't actually help the fact. That's why I was mad and took it out on your friends." 

I looked at him as if he was some kind of idiot. But in a way, I knew he was telling the truth. 

"Carter. You have to be careful tonight," he said walking to the door. "Take this." He handed me gun, making sure it was full. 

"Ar-Are they here?"

"Yes," he said softly. "Don't worry. Just find Harry and get out of here." He opened the door, pushing us both out. I made sure my dress looked normal over my gun as I scooted my way through the crowd. Harry was standing a couple feet away but I was pulled by someone else. 

"Carter," Zayn said with a smile. "Dance with me?" I looked over at Harry, back at Zayn. I nodded, following him onto the dance floor. He placed his one hand on my waist the other placed in his hand. I was so nervous, that I probably looked like a mad man. "Are you okay Carter?"

"Zayn," I said hesitant. "People are here that want to kill us. Do you have a weapon?" He nodded. "Good. Tell the others." 

"What about you?" he asked scared. 

"I can take care of myself." As I said that, some exsplosion made everyone scream in terror. People were rushing through doors and hallways to get away from whatever it came from. Although I knew who it was. There was no doubt about it. Soon gun shots were heard, keeping people silent. 

"Where is Carter Rock?" Someone yelled from the top of the stairs. I could see the boys looking for me. Only Louis seamed to see. 

"What do you want Derek?" 

"Sassy," he replied with a smirk. 

"I said.. What. Do. You. Want?"

"Why dear," he said smirking. "I want you to come with me. If you ever want to see your friends again that is."

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