5:Promises and secrets

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"The art show is tomorrow. Think you can come?" Jo asked as we strolled down the streets of London.

"What was that?" I asked as we just got finished painting something.

"We just vandalized London sweetheart!" I gave her a weird look. "Okay it's called street art. It's what troubled kids like me go to let it go. You obviously have had a hard life due to your art skills."

"Yeah my life's not the best," I replied.

"Carter we're friends you know that right? We can talk about anything. I won't bail on you," she replied honestly.

"I really need to get this off my chest," I said stopping her. "Ready?"

"Go for it."


I hopped through my window, slipping my shoes off. I found that my door was still locked and Harry was still playing video games with Will. It was midnight and they were still playing.

After telling Jo what happened, she wrapped me in a hug. It wasn't what I expected from her. But she cried. She was also in foster care and was recently adopted. Things are different about her though. She wasn't trying to be killed by a psycho ex boyfriend to her mom. She also told me she could help my my real parents. I wouldn't doubt it. She is kind of a computer nerd.

I quietly unlocked my door, hopping into bed without changing. I then heard the tv turn of, with the door closing. Sooner than later Harry came in sitting on my bed. "Carter? Are you awake?"

"Yes," I groaned. He laughed kissing my forehead.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked flipping over to see he had his hair pulled back in a head band.

"Ever since Louis and Eleanor moved in together, I have come very lonely," he whispered. He crawled into the covers, snuggling into my side.

"Sure I guess since you are already popping my personal bubble," I said resting my head back on the pillow. I hear him chuckle until his snores were vivid. I then fell asleep shortly after.

There's two ways Harry sleeps. Alone, he lies flat on his face, head buried into his pillow. Also snores really loud. When he sleeps with someone, he cuddles as close a he possibly can I to your back. Not in your arms. Not with his arms around you. No. In a ball, cuddled right up to you. You think this is cute right? No.. He takes up the whole bed. His head is buried into your neck, sending chills down your back. He doesn't snore loud. And sometimes he cries. I don't know why it is. But it's damn annoying.

"Harry. If you don't move over I swear to god I will push you off this bed," I said, not moving from my spot. Harry just laid there. Like an idiot. "Harry." I said sternly.

"Carter," he replied with the same tone. Rolling over him, I scrunched up my legs, pushing his masive body off the bed. "CARTER!"

I screamed running in to the kitchen, hiding behind the table. I heard his footsteps inching closer as he approached my spot. "Carter I know you are in here." Before I could do anything, he slung me over his shoulder.

"Harry!" I laughed. "Put me down!" I could feel his chuckle as he set me down on the couch.

"You are in time out," he said crossing is arms over his chest. I mimicked, making him laugh. I think we sat there for a good five minutes making faces at each other till we both broke out into a fit of laughter. He sat down next to me, just admiring the huge TV in front of us.

"You have a pretty massive TV," I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I know." We both sat there again, not doing anything. It wasn't awkward. It was..nice.

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