18: A Plan

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"So how do we plan on getting him back?" I asked, pacing the floor. We all gathered in the living room the the cabin after changing into 'team outfits'. They were stupid. You and your partner had to wear the same colored shirt and back pants. It's like my parents thought it would be a cool idea to dress up like some kind of power ranger people. We aren't super heroes. We're far from it.

"That doesn't matter right now," Riley said standing up. "What matters is training. We need to gain strength and strategy plans."

"And leave them there to die?" I said, getting in his face. "They are our friends. Dammit Courtney is my cousin for crying out loud. She was more of a parent to me than you two were."

"Carter," Harry said placing a hand in my shoulder. He gave me a look saying 'calm down' and made me take a deep breath.

"Okay," I said letting out a sigh. "Ok frustrated and tired and hurt. I just want to know they're safe."

"You can get them back," Riley said without movement. "But we need a plan and you guys need some experience. That's why we are in teams. Think of it as kind of like the hunger games."

"So we are going to kill each other?" Niall asked.

"No," Hailee spoke up. "Riley.." She scowled.

"It's a game of capture the flag," he replied. "First team to take all the colored flags wins. Once in the circle of your color, that flag is safe and so are you." How can this guy be playing games in a time in need? "So I see you guys have found your team color. There are six groups. When I start counting down you guys split up into your teams and find your flag.

"That's it?" Billi asked. She was partnered with Margot. "Nothing else."

"Just defend yourself," Riley smirked. "10.. 9.."

We all booked it. Niall took the lead as I ran behind, trying to keep up. We have kept this same game up for the past two weeks. That's how long we have been here for. Maybe longer. No one mentioned Courtney or Olive. For all we know they could both be dead by now. But a little part of me had faith. I had faith that they were both alive.


"Babe!" Niall said as I started to slow down. "Keep up!"

"Sorry!" I yelled back, running past him. I knew where our flag was. It was the farthest away from camp. How do I know this? I go on steam blowing walks where I swear at the top of my lungs, cursing at how stupid everything is. "This way Niall." We came to our flag, taking a breatht hat we despretally needed. "Not the hunger games my ass."

"It's more like that Percy Jackson movie," Niall said falling to the ground. "Where they fight for the flag."

"Damn I hate this," I said looking for people. No way they're getting my flag. "I know where all the flags are. If you stay here and gaurd, I can get them."

"How do you know where they are?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"I know these woods," I replied. "These two weeks have kind of helped." It's true. I have grown mussle. I am much stronger than two weeks ago.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." He nodded, taking cover from anyone who might sneak up on him. I took off running for the blue team first who was Billi and Margot. They were good but.. Margot was a little whimpy.

I crept in quietly, making sure they wouldn't hear me. Margot was guarding as Billi must have been looking for flags. I snuck up behind Margot, knocking her to her feet, grabbing the blue flag, making a run for it. One flag down. Four to go.

"BILLI!" Margot yelled. I didn't stay to find out what Billi was going to do. Next what green. That is Liam and Zayn. I'm a little worried. Liam and Zayn are one of the two bests. Knowing them, they would knock me on my ass the minute I enter there territory.

"Who do we watch for?" Liam asked.

"Carter," Zayn answered. "Tanner, Keith, Harry, and Billi."

"What is with those Styles kids? I mean seriously," Liam sighed. "They are good." I snuck up behind a tree, thinking out a plan. What to do? Create a distraction and head for the flag? Or head on, blow out fight for it? Lets go with plan one.

I threw a rock, hitting a tree perfectly.

"What was that?" Zayn asked, walking towards the noise. I snuck up behind Liam only to have him take my for that I was going to kick him with as he flipped me. I laid on the ground, processing what just happened. Once I realized he was looking for the flag I had already taken, I swung my foot, knocking Liam next to me. He hit the ground hard. I grabbed the flag and made a run for it.

This game was easy.


"It's down between us and the purple team," I told Niall. The flags I had taken were four out five. That means Harry and Louis have the last two we need. Theirs and the pink team. Who was Tanner and Keith.

"Plan?" Niall asked.

"Just follow my league," I said getting to the ground. I had a bruised arm and I think I was going to need stitches in my leg. That's how intense this game got.

I made my way towards the flag which wasn't being guarded. "Niall. Go back to our base!" He got up and ran for our base. This wasn't right.

I took a chance. I got up and ran for the flag. Right as I was about to get it.. I was getting attacked by a very strong body figure. Harry was laughing as he helped me to my feet. He held all the flags in hand with his hands.



"How many injuries?" Hailee asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Billi has a black eye, Tanner has a sprained wrist," Keith spoke.

"By punching me in the face!" Liam added who had a swollen cheek.

"The worst today is the stitches in Carter's leg," Niall said, finishing up the last stitch. Surprisingly, Niall was really good at this kind of stuff. But it hurt. Like a mofo.

"So it wasn't that bag?" Riley asked. "Well that's good."

"When can we go?" I asked quietly.

"What?" Everyone was looking at me.

"I mean..." I started. Niall knew I was nervous due to him wrapping his arms around my waist. "We have been training for two weeks strait. We all have the decency of a good fighter. When can we get Courtney back?"

"Once we learn how to hold a gun," Hailee replied. We all stood silent. Why did we have to have so much training? We've beat this guy before. We've gotten away from him. Why now?

There was a bang coming from outside. Our defense came to a full high, getting to our feet.

"I think we start now." Riley said getting guns from the drawer wear he would keep them. He threw one to people who were closest. This is it. Behind that door.. Behind the fear we have all been living in. He was behind that door. Our future was about to become real. It fantasy was becoming a reality. This was it.

This is where it ends.


Short I know. But the story is almost over! I'm sorry!!!

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