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"C'mon Jo. Pick up!" I said as I paced back and forth on the hard tile. "Jo please-"

"I'm sorry. I'm not available! Call you later!" Voice mail. This can't be happening. My mind was racing as I slid down the wall, crashing to the floor.

"This can not be happening," I said to myself. "No. No."

"Carter," Harry said breaking me from my thoughts. "Babe it will be okay."

"How can you even say that?" I asked looking up at him through watery tears. "Jo, Olive, AND Jacob are missing. For all we know it could have been anyone! Edward! Derek? Anyone!"

"Carter please," he said calmly. "The police are on it. I called mom and she said she will be looking out for them. Please calm down."

"They are my friends," I mumbled into my hands. I cuffed my sleeves in my hands, curling my hands into fists. I sobbed into my sweater, thinking my friend are in danger. They could be killed.

"Carter," he whispered softly. He pulled me under his arm, placing his head on mine. "Remeber when we almost lost you? More that once? We had to stay strong. We had to keep in mind you were coming back. That you could do it. We were so worried. It brought us to tears. And as we all know we don't cry." I laughed a little. "You just have to keep your head up and remember they are strong. You'll see them again." I looked back down at my hands, messing with one of the bracelets I got from a friend in the 6th grade.

"How can you be so calm all the time?" I asked. "I mean you've had it just as hard as I have."

"That's the problem," he said. "I had to live with a loss for over 17 years. And now I have you back." He pulled out a small box. "Your other present is in the bus. But I want you to open this one now." I opened the small box to find a bracelet that read 'stay strong' on it. Kind of what I needed right now.

"You know," I started. "I'm happy I have you guys. I feel that if I didn't, I would have gone mad." We both know what I meant. And it was best to just shrug it off.

"Shall we go have cake and open presents?" Harry asked. I nodded as we both stood up. Harry pulled me onto his back, taking me down the hallway into the center of the stage.

"There's no one here," I said as Harry set me down. Just then the lights flicked on and in the stands, everyone was standing there. The boys, Lou, Tom, Josh, stage crew, Little Mix. Everyone had a big grin. First person to stand forward was Louis.

"Carter Rock. How does it feel to be 17?"

Zany stood up next.

"The first time we met was a couple days before today."

Liam took the stand.

"The first time that we got to know you and who you really were."


"The day we got a new member to the 1D family."

Harry. I didn't even realize he left my side.

"The day we finally got to call you our sister. So today. May 11th. The day Carter Rock was born. Is a day to be celebrated. Happy birthday to our baby girl." Everyone cheered as I stood there completely stunned. The boys ran down, engulfing me into the biggest hug of my life. I don't mind hugs like these ones. These ones are fine.

"So for your birthday," Harry started. "We got our sound guys to set up the projector so we can watch a movie in here. And we got a good one."

"What one?" I asked.

Finding Hope (Sequel to Adopted.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя