23: Stories

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When I was younger, I remember Harry telling me stories about a certain little girl. That little girl would wonder off everyday around noon and always come back by the time supper was ready. But one day.. She didn't come home. Her parents were worried, and had a search team looking for her. But it was hopeless. She had fallen down into the dark world underneath everything. The small well she would go to when she was upset. Which was everyday. Her life wasn't what she wanted. Bullied at school, friends turning their backs on her. Her parents weren't any better. The never paid any attention. She felt alone. She felt lost. So she did the only think she could do. She took her own life.

That day, she didn't tell anyone she was leaving. She didn't let people see her pain through her wrist or burn marks on her arms. She just left. The walk to the old well was well known by her. She knew the path like it was the back of her hand. She came upon the deep well, laying the not she had written for her parents if they ever found her. She debated. Her parents wouldn't look for her. They didn't care that much.

She laid the note down, letting the tears drip down her cheek. This is it. The last moment that she will ever have. She took one step onto that well wall, looking down. It was deep enough that you could see the water but not to see anything beyond that. This is it. With one step, she fell down the well, scratches and bruises being made as she fell. She didn't care. Once to the bottom, her head hit the wall harder than she wanted it to. She didn't think the fall would kill her. But it did. She is gone. She is no longer with her.

Her parents searched frantically for their only child. Their baby girl. The girl that showed no pain of what she was feeling. Her father came upon the note seeing his little girls handwriting. She was sorry. She didn't want it to end this way. But it did. She never gets to have the feeling of her fathers hug or her mothers kiss. She won't get to see that her friends are broken. They won't get to see her smiling face in the hall way at school. More people cared about her than she thought. And she will never know that feeling.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, breaking my thoughts. My head rested against the window looking out into the rainy weather.

"What if that little girl didn't fall down the well?" I asked, not lifting my head. "What would she had done?" He looked at me with a confused face. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to remember what I was talking about. Then his face softened.

"Well I assume she would soon realize more people cared than she thought," he breathed out. "Maybe change the way she looked at things." I nodded, staring back out the window. "What brings this up?"

"I just really liked that story," I replied. "When I would change foster homes, that story would run through my head. I would always change the ending to her father finding her before she jumped. That she ends up having the happy ending she wanted. That story helped me get through the thoughts that ran through my head. I didn't understand that it was for my own good. I thought it would have been easier to end things. But I didn't. Because that story ran through my head." I finally looked up to see that most of the boys had paid their attention towards me. "Sorry. I'm just rambling.."

"No," Harry smiled. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into a half hug, due to being in a van. "That story was the story that kept me going. Being in a band isn't easy. Having fans and the music is what I do it for. But at times the hate can get to you." He lifted his sleeve a little revealing small scars. "It happens to most of us Carter."

I sat there, looking at the small red scars. I would truly be freaking out, but I understand. I know how it is to receive hate that isn't deserved. All I did was lay in Harry's lap, letting him play with my hair. "I have another story."

"Tell me."

"The hate gets the best of people. The way they make it sound like it is true. But deep down in this girls heart, she knew it wasn't true. But it just kept coming. The hate was thrown left and right at her. For what? She never really knew that answer. She didn't know why these kids hated her so much. Being bullied at a young age wasn't easy for her.

Finding Hope (Sequel to Adopted.)Where stories live. Discover now