12: Hard

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{ before I begin I want to let you know that the story gets a little more exciting form here. I know there hasn't been much besides the ballroom scene. And I honestly didn't like that one. But I need feed-back! Is this story good? Do you like it? I need opinions. Thank and sorry for the lameness! It gets better! }

"HARRY GET OFF OF HIM!" I yelled, pulling Harry's shoulder. His eyes stayed glued to Keith as I pulled him away. "Harry calm down. Please."

"Why?" He boomed. "This ARSE effing kidnapped you!"

"Harry it's different," I said trying to calm him down. "Look at me Harry." I pulled his face so he was looking into my eyes. "That guys is my brother. Calm down." Harry loosened is grip on Keith, pretty sure it was going to leave a mark. Harry pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Glad no one died," Tanner said clapping his hands together. "Now can we please get on to more serious business? Like getting back Carter's friends back and my fiancé?" We all nodded, turning our attention towards Tanner. "This Derek guy, supposedly is our father. Which he isn't. He want all of us dead and that's all I know."

"Why you guys?" Niall asked.

"Apparently our memory has some hidden secret about him. And if we remember, it could ruin him. Apparently Carter was close to catching it but that drug he used on you in December ruined the chances," Keith replied. "And I'm guessing you're slowly losing your memory again?" I nodded. Tanner went back to speaking.

"The only way to get in there is to be kidnapped. And the only one he's after is..." Everyone turned their gaze towards me. I knew it was going to be me. Why? "If Harry turns her over they will think this is real. If any of us do, they know it's a trick."

"Wait. Why Harry?" Louis asked. Harry exhaled, running his hands over his beanie.

"I made a deal with Derek," he replied. "Saying I would turn Carter over when I found her. But I didn't. I told him to eff off. But he thought I would finally come to it and had her over."

"Why does he want Carter?" Niall stepped in.

"She may be the youngest but damn she is the strongest," Keith replied.

"How are we going to make it look as if we don't want her to get taken? What do we do?" Louis asked.

"I have an idea," I chimed in. "I need a computer." Tanner pulled out his laptop, handing it to me. I typed in a hacking code that would give me access to Derek's system. Surprisingly he had many computers and cameras set up around America. "With a click of this button, I can set off the alarm. It will show him where we are." Keith and Tanner stood there knowing what was going on. Harry and Niall on the other hand looked like a nervous wreck.

"What happens if he does something to you Carter? What are we going to do?" Harry asked. I placed my hand on his shoulder, making sure he was listing.

"I know this guy like the back of my hand Harry. If he kills me he knows what he's in for." He gave me a nod, not letting go of my hand.

"Press it Carter," Keith said. I nodded, pressing the space bar. I slowly closed the laptop, running around towards the boys.

"It's done."


"I'm just saying Anne, he's dangerous," I heard a women say. Her tall figure was standing next to Anne as Harry was playing with a truck behind them. I wasn't allowed in the room so I was behind the door frame, listing in.

"What happened?" Anne asked. I stood there in my pink dress, hair tied up in ribbons that Anne put in my hair earlier that day. The sun was nice and warm against my face. I just wish I was allowed outside.

"He came last night. While Carter and Billi were asleep. He did something," she said softly. "I don't know because I can't remember myself."

"Is Carter and Billi okay?" Anne asked, worried.

"I sent Billi to her grandmothers," the lady said. I could hear her beginning to cry. "He wants to take Carter."

"He's not the father Hailee," Anne replied. "He can't take her."

"What are you doing Carter?" Gemma asked from behind me. "Hello Carter?"


I awoke with a bang coming from the kitchen. My heart began to race as I shot up out of bed. Sweat dropped from my head as I sat there panting. The room was dark and I could hear muffled voices come from the kitchen area. "Hello?" Nothing. Everything was quiet as steps pounded down the hall. "Harry?" The voices were different from the others.

I jumped off the bed, sliding under the bed. Under there, I would buy some time to think about the plan. It seemed simple enough but yet, I was having second thoughts. What if this time they don't hesitate to hurt me? What if they hurt my friends?

All this ran through my head as the door creeped open. Walking through the door were two pairs of black shoes. By the looks of it they were massive, and that was just the foot size.

"This was the location," one man said. I felt a tear leave my eyes as I knew these men weren't going to take it easy on me. Why would they? "C'mon ya little brat." I covered my mouth, making sure that the whimpers were muffled.

"What if they left?" The other asked.

"We saw them leave earlier without her," the on replied. "She must be in here." They left while I was sleeping? That's one way to get rid of me. "Just keep looking." They both left the room leaving me under the bed. Scared, hurt, curious. I was about to crawl out when..

"Found you," one man said pulling me out by the feet. He threw me over his shoulder as I thrashed and kicked. The other man held my legs together, tying a rope around them to stop me from moving. He placed another rope around my hands, making sure I wouldn't be able to get out of the burning rope. Sticking the duct tape to my mouth, they began to carry me out of the building. It was dark. Sometime around the early morning time by the smell of the air.

I thrashed like a worm, trying my best to escape this mad man. But I knew I had to do what I was meant to. I had to get in and save my friends.

I muffled screams through the duct tape, making the man more angry. "SHUT UP!" I didn't listen. "Stop moving!" I was about to do something else when I was thrown into the back of a black car. My head head hit something hard. By the way it felt was some sort of metal. The impact was jar enough to make me the darkness over take me. I laid in the back of the black car, knocked out and scared.

Nobody knows what's going to happen next.

Not even me.


HEY GUYS!!! So it getting good! I like it. Anyways.







I love you!


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