16: Billi

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"You're Billi?" I asked again, still not taking what happened very well. 

She nodded. "I am. But we can't talk here. Mind going somewhere, less populated for your sake?"

"My sake?" She pointed to the window where Harry was sitting in his car. "Right. I have to tell Harry at least."

"Hurry," she said looking around kind of looking parinoid. "I'll meet you out there." She ran out the other door, soon dissapring behind a wall. I ran outside, seeing Harry still parked, looking rather annoyed. 

"Harry," I said opening the door. I didn't hop in. 

"Well get in."

"Funny story," I started. Billi pulled up on her bike, motor bike may I add, motioning me to come on. "I just met my sister and-" the sound of someone being punched came from Billi. She had punched someone, making them hit the ground hard. A few men began to run out of the building across the street. 


"Get out of here Harry," I said slamming the door. He wanted to get out but I think he knew that if he would, he could have died. I hopped on the back of Billi's bike, cletching to her waist. She didn't wait till I was seated firmly due to the speed she had take. 

"Take this," she said handing me a hand held gun. "You're going to need it." She turned a sharp corner, just to be followed by black cars with men driving them. "When I say shoot, aim at the tires. Got it?" I nodded, cletching the gun tighter. A few seconds passed until Bill yelled "NOW!" making me shoot towards the mens cars. That missed the first couple times, hitting the tire the fifth time. The car skidded off the road, causing a crash on the lower high way. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Just keep shooting." I nodded, doing what I was told. Billi took sharp turns, making me hold onto her jacket tighter. This was nothing like the movies. It was a lot harder to hold on. And it is a bit of a rush. 

She pulled off an exit, turning down an alley way. She took another sharp turn going down a road where it led to another high way. At this point we had lost the gang that was chasing us and were speeding down the road. 

"We're here," she said parking her bike. We had parked up in the forest, coming upon a cave. I hopped off, looking around the barin land. As soon as I was about to say something, Harry's car drove. up. 

"What the hell?!" Harry slammed the door. "I thought we planned on telling her when we got back to the bus."

"People were following you Harry," Billi snapped back. "We couldn't just let her get hurt there again. Your friend Will kind of ruind that." 

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. 

"Will?" Harry snapped back. "You think this is Will's fault?" 

"He called! We all know Derek has a tracker on your guys' phones!" Billi yelled. 

"Guys..." I sighed. 

"He had Carter! What was I supposed to do? Leave her there?" Harry yelled. 

"Could have sent someone else! They found us at the Wendey's because of you and your idiot friend!"

"Guys.." I tried again. 

"Idiot? He is all things but that! He didn't know what to do with her!" 

"He should have KNOWN Harry! Carter is what he is after and he won't stop till she is dead!" 

"Guyss.. This isn't helping.." I mumbled. 

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