20: Love Stories

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APRIL FOOLS!!!!! (little late) how many people did I get? I'm not deleting my stories! That is silly!! I would never do that!

Keep voting!

Love you guys(:

AGAIN!!! I want to know if someone can make a book trailer! I need to know!!! PLEASE!! 

K! Enjoy! 


"Carter?" Niall called. "There you are." I was on top of the roof, looking out over the night sky. Fireworks were beggining to go off to show that it was the New Year. It was five minutes till 2013. "What are you doing on the roof? The party is down stairs."

"Just a little crowded I guess," I said, scooting my legs closer to me. The air was bitter and cold. The warmth of Niall's arm wrap around my shoulder. 

"What's your New Years goal this year?" He asked, staring out at the colorful fireworks. I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"I just want things to be normal," I replied. "Just a normal year where I can be a normal teen. With the exceptions of being related to Harry Styles." 

"Cute," he replied. Silence blew over. It wasn't awkward. It was nice. 

"I guess I would like to know my mom," I said honestly. "I would like to know what she is like. If I look like her or more like my dad." 

"Things work out for the better," Niall replied. "It may be your year." Silence. 

"What about you?" I asked. "What's your resolution?"

"I haven't thought about it," he replied. "But I would like to find a girlfriend this year for sure." 

"Oh," I replied. I was a little bummed. I mean I know I am on the younger side and obvioulsy have a lot of problems to deal with. But I really like Niall. Did I mention he never mentioned anything after this kiss that one night in the hotel? Nothing. "That's a normal one I suppose." I began to stand up to go back inside but Niall had different plans. 

"Let's stay out here till midnight," he says wrapping his arms around waist. "I want to spend this moment with you." The count down began. "Hear that? 10..9..8.." 

What was this boy thinking. 

"7..6..5..." He began to turn me around. "4...3...2.." His smile was wide, begining to lean in. "1.." His lips pressed to mine, kissing me softly. The fireworks lit up the dark roof. It felt like a fairytale with the fireworks and prince charming right in front of me. I could feel his smirk through the small kiss. "Carter?"

"Yeah?" I asked, resting my forehead to his.

"Be my girlfriend?" My heart was racing a million miles per hour. Did I hear that right?

"Yes.." I smiled, kissing him again. "I would love to."

"There you two are!" Louis yelled. "What you two doing on the roof? And why are you so- OH MY GOODNESS!"

"Louis don't bug them," Zayn said pulling. "Leave them alone."

I just laughed, kissing Niall once more.


"So we meet again Carter," Derek said with the smirk that I would really like to rip off of his cubby face. "You really think you could get away with this?" Just as he said that, three people stumbled out a door, tied up and beaten. Niall, Harry, and Louis. 

"Don't hurt them Derek," I said pulling my gun. "So help me if you hurt them.."

"You'll what?" he laughed. "Kill me? If you kill me, you kill your friends." I gave him a look of confusion. "You see, if I die. The trigger goes off on the gun that is being held to your friends heads. Just one blow, and they would be gone." 

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