24: Seattle Rain

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Rain. That's all we saw. Rain. Louis had to pull over at a small motel because the roads got so bad. Looks like another day in waiting.

"Carter and Harry have room A17. Louis and I have A19 and Niall and Zayn have A18," Liam ordered, handing us all a key. The motel was one of those door in the outside with one floor kind of thing. The motel keeper was kind of creepy as well. And he kept making scary eyes at Carter. Like she was some kind of meat. And that made Niall kind of pissed.

"Mind if I go and hang out with Niall for a bit?" Carter asked as she set down her suit case.

"I don't mind," I replied, laying down on the motel bed. "Go ahead."

"Thanks," she smiled. She was about to leave when she came and wrapped her arms around my neck. "For everything I mean. Thanks for being here. And for being a good brother." I wrapped my arms around her in return.

"You know we'd do anything for you," I whispered.

"I know." She pulled away, wiping a fallen tear. "I'm going to go over before I become a mess."

"Yeah do that," I laughed. She walked towards the door, making sure to lock it. Once she was gone, I pulled out my phone, seeing it was pretty mellow. I hadn't done anything on it in a while for safety reasons of course. I debated wether to get on twitter or not. Lets go with not. I threw it next to me, turning the tv on.

"Nothing heard on the missing boy band. It says they were last seen in the California area-" change.

"Death of Hailee Rock. She was found in an abandoned factory know as the former farmers market. The cause of her death was being shot twice by Derek Franko who was found dead outside of the factory a few days later." Well at least they cleared up Carter's story.

"Did you hear?" Liam asked, walking into my room.

"It's cleared up," I smiled taking a water bottle.

"Yeah." We both sat in silence. "Game of Fifa?"

"I'm down."



I knocked on Nialls door a few times before he finally answered. His warm smile welcomed me in. Zayn was no where to be seen. I have a feeling he went over to Louis' but it's just a guess. "Hello beautiful."

"Hi," I replied as he kissed my cheek. He guided me over towards his bed, laying us both down. I snuggled into his chest have him wrap his arms firmly around me. A nice like cuddle session was in need if I do say so myself.

The rain was coming down harder as we watched tv. I didn't mind. I loved when it rained. It had that effect in people. And I liked it.

"I want to take you in a proper date when we're done," Niall suddenly spoke.

"But people will know we're dating," I said in caution.

"I want people to know," he replied. "I want people to know you're mine. That I love you." He moved strands of hair out of my face, letting me see his piercing blue eyes. "Because I do. I really love you."

"I love you too Niall," I replied, pulling his face towards mine. His lips molded perfectly with mine. Kind of like some sort of cliché fairy tale. It was all too perfect.

As the kiss was beginning to heat, the electricity went out, make me jump. Niall laughed, pulling me into his chest. "Don't worry. I'll protect you." I laughed as he went back in for another kiss. I just laughed.

We were soon cut off again by the sound of a crash. "Did you hear that?"

"It's probably just nothing," Niall brushed it off. But it happened again.

"I don't think it's nothing." Everything was silent as I stood up, walking towards the door. A small ticking noise began to come from the door. It almost sounded like... "NIALL GET DOWN!" Niall pulled my waist back, falling in between the two beds. The blast from the door was followed by the sound of footsteps. They came in far enough to see no one was in the room.

"Look for them. They couldn't have gone far," a man commanded. I wanted to cry. I just wanted to break down. But if I did, it would have been completely stupid. Why? This has happened one to many times.

The men approached us as we stayed completely quiet. He began tearing up with room, knocking over dressers, pillows and blankets fell on top of is. The man came up behind us, pulling the blankets off. I did the first thing I could. I tripped him.

The man fell the to ground with a hard thud. Niall and I both got to our feet to see two other men. This was seriously a fight that could have ended up in a movie. The fighting we had learned from Riley was very helpful with te fight. A kick the the stomach and punches to the face took the men down. I am a girl so when I punched these well built men, I might have sprained my hand.

"Do you think the others are okay?" Niall asked, checking the three men that were beaten in the ground. He threw me a gun and kept one for himself. He also ended up with a phone that could help and keys to a car.

We walked over to see that the other boys' rooms were trashed. I checked mine and Harry's room to see he was gone and the room a mess. I ran over to see if the others were here as well but they weren't. "No one is here."

"They were taken," Niall explained. We both had the habit of running our hands through our hair when we are nervous. "What do we do now?"

I looked towards the black car the men were driving. Camero. Nice. "Looks like it's our turn to save them."

"Funny," Niall scuffed.


"It's usually you."

"Shut up," I said pushing past him. He just laughed, following me towards the black car. I hopped into the drivers seat, plugging in the phone Niall had taken. The phone would show me where they were. And that was...

"They're at a thrift shop?" Niall asked confused.

"Looks like it." I pulled the car into reverse, pulling out of the motel parking lot.

This guy was in for something not so fun.


Short chapter! But it's updated! The story is almost over. Maybe three more chapters? I don't know yet. But who wants to see Niall and Carter's date? Comment below.

Also 10 votes for next chapter!



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