6:The Truth

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Nialls POV

I guess it's finally time you get into see what I'm thinking. What I'm seeing. What I'm feeling. There's not much that goes on in my head. Besides constantly worrying about Carter. Harry told me everything. How she cuts. How she has an attachment disorder. It breaks my heart that her past is practically a living hell. I hate seeing her upset. I hate hearing her cry. And reading the entries in her diary? My heart completely shattered. It's hard to see the girl you have fallen in love with jut crumble. It's hard to see.

"Niall you home?" Harry asked coming inside. I was sitting on the couch, watching some tv show due to it being like, 8:30 in the morning.

"In the living room," I called back. "Where's Carter?"

"She went to a friends house. Some project," he sighed. "Wait! Maybe if you text her she'll come back! She likes you. Text her!" I laughed pulling out my phone.

Niall-Hey babe :) come over and watch a movie with me. I'm lonely:(

Carter-I'll be over in like an hour or so. Love you! Xx

"An hour okay?" I asked Harry. He sighed just nodding. After a moment of silence, Harry spoke. 

"I think Carter's hiding something." I gave him a weird look. "I don't think she's telling is everything."

"What do you think is going on?" I asked.

"I don't know."



"Okay I don't have much time," I said walking into Jo's room. "What's going on?"

"Look at this," she said pointing to the computer. "Young could Hailee Rock and Riley Smith lose baby. Sources say the young baby was taken a couple nights after taken from the comfort of their home. The loss of this baby is making it harder on the family. If seen please call and then it has all these numbers."


"There's more," she stopped me. "A week later the baby was found in a warehouse. But a week after that. Riley Smith went missing. And he is still missing to this day. There have been some sightings so we know he is still alive."

"Hand me that." I took the computer from her, typing in codes and names. And soon enough, just what I wanted popped up. Riley Smiths files. "The last place he bought something was in... Las Angles California?"

"How are you going to get there?" Jo asked. I slammed the computer shut, running my hands through my hair. Then it clicked.

"Tour! We are starting tour soon and we stop in LA."


"Look I'll send you anything else I find out," Jo said picking up her jacket. "All I can say is good luck Carter."

"No Jo this is all really good. I think I can manage from here," I replied. She gave me a small hug before exciting the house.

"Call me when you make it home. I just want to make sure you're safe," she said before getting into her car. I waved at her making my way towards town. Sadly Harry lived not very close to her. On the other side of town. So it was going to take me a while to get back.

Walking down the street, I had a feeling someone was following me. But every time I turned around, nothing. So I walked down the street not trying to think about it much. That was until someone pulled my arm, pulling me into alley way. Their arm wrapped around my waist the other around my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I heard the man chuckle before whispering 'boo' into my ear. Daniel let go, laughing to himself.

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