Dreams become reality

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Lmaoo here I am 🤪 let's see if I still have what it takes to write

Vivian's POV

The 9 of us sat in the living room, my parents talked to Fredrick and Freda as if they were old friends. Tony, Anna and rudolf squeezed on the oversized recliner, talking over eachother about the last few months. And I sat shoulder to shoulder with Gregory, my hand neatly in his. I couldn't even speak anymore, instead I just sat there and took the view in. We were reunited and this time it was all going to be different.

No more vampire hunters or hiding from the sun. No more sneaking into the basement at 1 am or to the cow pasture. Instead of feeling
His cold body I felt warmth—it was still his hand, the same shape and rough exterior but now there was blood flowing through it. We use to wish we could go out and watch the sunset in the field, go to the market and be in public—now we can. No pain or fear. Finally being able to LIVE

"Hey" Gregory spoke and I turned to him. His face was as handsome as the day he disappeared. Flawless with sharp cheekbones and a "dont fuck with me scowl".

The gravitational pull I felt to him all those months ago was still here. Stronger and happier than before. As if it was telling my inner self that the trials were over and it was our time

"What is going through that brain of yours" he smiles at me, a smile where I could tell he was slightly worried at the possibility my brain was fried due to all the news and excitement.

"Honesty" I started to speak, my mouth slightly dry "not a whole lot" i chuckle at him "ironically this is the first time since meeting you that my brain isn't in overdrive. It isn't constantly worried about you, your family, tony or any crazy vampire hunters and curses. I'm sitting here, just taking in how normal everything is. Our parents are normal adult friends, rudolf and Anna are Tony's normal human friends and you are my very much alive normal human boyfriend"

He rubs over my hand with his thumb; speaking to me without words. Very Gregory like—where he lacks in verbal communication he makes up with in the small physical acts and faint smiles.

"Well my dear Vivian. I don't think we would still be classified as 'normal'. In the end we still sound and act different, we will be starting school soon. I bet people are going to have quick opinions on us" Gregory speaks with no hint of worry or hesitation, but in his eyes there was a quick glimmer of nervousness. How could I possibly blame him? Of course, the last few months him and his family have been practicing being normals humans, rehearsing their backstories, learning modern technology and history. But now sooner than believable; Gregory, Anna and rudolf will have to face school.

Hundreds of nosey students and adults. Questions about their lives and past thrown from multiple directions. Curious and suspicious looks. Gossip and of course the potential bully. Yes, he is beyond handsome and has the sexy bad boy attitude so he is destined to be popular to a certain level but his lack of communication and his natural despise of people will defiantly make enemies.

But what's the worst that could actually happen? A few people think he is his families "off the grid" living is weird? A few immature boys feel threatened about the new hot commodity? Besides that it isn't as if they can prove him and his family used to be vampires. And he has me—sadly enough I get enough attention— the girl from America who loves to party and was almost murdered by a crazy vampire hunter.

Well...now that I say that and put 2 and 2 together I can't help but laugh at myself. We will be the most awkward power couple. New mysterious off the grid boy and the girl from the states who was abducted and driven off the Clift.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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