Times up

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Gregory's POV

Don't do anything stupid...she said don't do anything stupid

Those words repeated themselves in my head over and over again. Vivian—my love—trapped with that scum. Vivian always seems to be getting the short end of the stick when it comes to rookery, what would you call that? Fate? Coincidence? Irony? Or just terrible luck

I had no idea what to do. The comet was moments always and we had the amulet. We waited for over 300 years for this...for this once in a life time opportunity and yet I can't seem to focus on it

I wanted Vivian. Now and forever. I wanted her to be next to me so I could give her a final kiss. In reality we had no idea what would happen once we become mortal again. If we would have our memories, where we would end up, where we would live and stay. It was a mystery. Even though Vivian and I planned our lives after this, our lives together, nothing was certain. And in the remaining moments she wasn't here but instead with him

I could hear tony and his parents speaking loudly behind me. About how he was lying and hiding things from them. How he was putting himself in danger. How Vivian is gone. But I couldn't move after rudolf told me what Vivian said

I loved her. I loved all of her, I loved how she was loud in the morning, how she was always hungry but never wanted to eat a full meal. I loved her style. I loved how she had an attitude and could be so blunt. I love how selfless she was and how hard she cared for the people in her life. I love how she would protect tony from anything. I loved her. I loved her when she was wild, loud, rude, sad, drunk...all the time

Far out in the night was a faint glow, high in the sky. It was the comet, making its way towards us. The comets fiery glow was making its appearance, helping us count down the moments until its in the perfect position for the ceremony.

I felt a hard grip on my shoulder but I still couldn't move. In my mind I kept replaying moments of Vivian...our first time meeting, her in the shower, her trying to teach me modern technology, the time she was trying to cut a pineapple and sliced her finger and I sucked the blood from her cut, how she tried on different jeans and made me rate what ones I liked the best. Her face when she had an orgasm. Her eyes and her lips. Her soft hair and her smooth skin.

"Son" my father spoke to me and I broke my train or thought too look at him.

Oh my father and I. Let's just say our relationship has been strained before we became vampires. We were nobles and I didn't fit into the certain mold like the rest of the family. But, after all these years it's as if we didn't even try to fix it anymore, we just ignore the tension. Maybe once we're humans again we can start to mend our relationship...become a normal family with normal problems. Not a noble family with rich people problems, not a vampire with undead problems but humans with their stupid meaningless drama.

"It's almost time" my mother says as she walks up to stand next to my father "she will be okay. He won't hurt her" she tries to smile but I know she's worried about Vivian as well.

In this short amount of time we have all bonded together in our own unique way....yes even tony and I. And now in the matter of minutes all that is going to change.

4 minutes.

My family is in a small group with the rest of the clan surrounding the area. I can't believe this is actually happening.

There was a slight Breeze and I felt nothing. I couldn't feel anything. Not excitement or cheerful. I felt panic, panic because Vivian wasn't here. I wanted to know she's safe, and to tell her once last time I loved her.

4 minutes

I could hear the rapid hum of a mortar approaching from the Woods. I know I wasn't the only once because the whole clan turned to face the trees. We all listed to the sound approaching quickly. There would be only one person coming here tonight in a rush.

"Rookery" my father tried to warn everyone but it was too late. His truck crashed though the opening and there were lights blasting everywhere

The clan scattered and in passing moment I saw Vivian, wide eyed, in the passages seat

"Vivian" I scream out and tries to go forward but my father was gripping my arms and dragging me away "Gregory you can't"

"I have too" I screamed but it was no use my father another clan member pulled me into the darkness to hide us from the lights

I tried to fight even harder but I was shoved to the ground and my arm were pinned behind my back, not letting me stand back up
"You can't Gregory" my father kept telling me

In the darkness we could see everything. The lights started to move but before they could reach where we were all hiding the truck jerked forward with extreme momentum.

It didn't stop, it approached the edge of the cliff, swearing but still moving fast.

"No!" I scream and struggled against the restraints as I watched the truck go over the edge, Vivian inside.

I could hear the screams of her parents and tony. Anna and rudolf screamed as well. My mother held onto the tree.

2 minutes

My father must have been shocked because his grip loosened. I had to get her. I had to get Vivian.

I got up and ran to the cliff and jumped off.

1 minute

While flying down to the water I could hear my mother scream in terror, but I couldn't care less.

Rookerys truck already sank and I dove into the water.

Vivian looked peaceful, which in the situation was strange.

I grab her hand and pull her out and head to the surface. I knew we had almost no time left.

When we broke the surface I could feel the change inside me and it burned.

There was a small beach area locals went too under the cliff and I knew I had to get her there before it was too late.

She was breathing but her eyes weren't open and she had a gash on the side of her head.

With amazing vampire strength I got to the beach and dragged both of our bodies a few feet on the shore.

The burning got worse and I looked at Vivian and I just wanted too kiss her

Too late...times up

It went dark

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