Waking up

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*i want to apologize everyone for how long it's recently been taking me to update my stories. I have some health/immune problems that effect me. One is Chronic fatigue syndrome, which basically means I get waves of extreme tiredness, no matter how much I sleep or how much caffeine I have I am always drained. It comes and goes and last weeks to months. During these times I can't even keep my eyes open to read and writing becomes a struggle because I can't focus on anything. The second thing I suffer with the chronic fatigue is frequent migraines which, if anyone also experiences migraines, is life stopping. Can't drive, be apart of a conversation or complete simple tasks. I love writing, and having people enjoy my work makes me happier than words could explain*

Gregory's POV

Opening my eyes I was in a large room with high ceilings, laying on a cot. I sat up and looked around me too see Anna and Rudolf sleeping.....they were humans.

I look down at my hands and they were flesh colored, I felt my face and I would feel actual warmth. It worked—the curse was broken.

"Gregory" I recognized my mothers voice and when I turned around her and my father were walking towards me with cups in their hand
"My darling. You had us worried sick, jumping off the edge after Vivian. Oh, I hope she's okay. I love her" my mother kisses my forehead
"Well done son" my father adds and smiles (like a real smile. Yes, my father. A genuine smile).
"What's going on" I question looking around I noticed a mixture of people, some sleeping and some awake. I recognized them all instantly as the clan, our whole clan

"We're in Italy" my father answers me "we all woke up here, no idea why. Once we woke up we were met with a man and his two sisters. They told us that it was a family folktale about vampires and each generation was taught how to worship vampires and to prepare for the day the curse was broken" he stopped and let me digest the information before continuing "they are going to help us with everything. Legal documents, finding a job, housing, a backstory, how to drive and use modern technology. And the best part is we are able to choose where to move after"
"We thought you, rudolf and Anna would like that part" mother smiled warmly at me and still continued to hug me, usually I would shrug her off but the heat from her skin was comforting and I knew she was happy.

"Are we going back to Scotland?" I asked with hope in my heart and a raised eyebrow
"Yes" my father put his hand on my shoulder. I signed with relief. I was going to get back fo my Vivian. My love
"When" I now was eager
"When the time is right" mother said "once all the documentation comes in. We learn our backstory and all about the modern world. All three of us need go learn to drive. We need to find housing and a job. It's going to be hard" she added

I was up for the challenge. I would do anything to get back to Vivian, to make sure she's okay and to be able to hold her. To feel our skins touching and walk outside too feel the sun burn my shoulders.
"When can we start"
"Easy there honey, we need to take it easy for a few days. We forget mortals can't handle as much" mother said and finally releases me from her grasp

Eventually rudolf and Anna woke up from their sleep and my parents gave them the whole run down. Smiles plastered on their face
"That is lovely news mother" Anna is as cheerful as always
"I'm hungry" rudolf complains and for the first  time I noticed I was hungry as well, but not the hunger that takes control and wants to hunt but the hunger what wants food.
"Follow me" father said and headed in the opposite directions, hand in hand with mother, the three of us followed

We ended up in another large room filled with table and chairs. The smell was amazing, a mixture or sweet and savory. My father directed us to a line of food
"This is what human call a Buffett" mother began explaining "grab a plate and put food on it. You sit and eat and if you're still hungry you go get more" mother hands each of us a plate and everyone around us is enchanted by the different foods.

As I read the signs some words are familiar but some arent even slightly recognizable, but I decide to try it anyways because I want the whole experience
My family and I find a table with some other clan members and begin to dig in. There was no talking, the five of us were savoring each bite and admiring every moment. We even had cups of "juice", which was too sweet in my opinion so rudolf finished off my cup. I decided to try coffee (which mortals drink because it gives them energy) and the bitter taste was perfect for me.

"I love these cinnamon rolls" rudolf said as he came back with his second plate containing 3 more
"I think Cereal is the best" Anna chimes in "what about you mother?"
"I think these muffins are to die for"
"Hmmmm no" father chuckles (YES! He actually chuckled. Who is this man?!) "the best has to be bacon. Gregory?"
I look down at the mixture on my plate: eggs, bacon, toast, potatoes, some pasties....and fruit. The same thing Vivian made it a routine to eat every morning. I could picture her getting out a wooden cutting board and slicing up her breakfast.
"I really like it all" I finally said smiling. It was the truth, I liked everything, not just the food but the feeling. The action of eating, being human. I liked the warmth I felt, the different things I was learning, how walking and breathing felt so different—so real. How I was tired but not. How I didn't want to eat flesh anymore.

I was normal—we were normal. Having a normal family breakfast, talking about something other than the amulet or fearing rookery

"Darlings" mother's angelic voice broke me out of my day dream. Once all our attention was on her she spoke again "how about we all freshen up and then we go outside...in the sun"

Even though we knew it would happen if the curse was broken it was still shocking: going out during the day

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