My darling

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*sorry for the VERY late update. I recently just packed up my whole life (including my dog) and drove across county back to my home town and family for a few months*

Gregory's POV

I walked into Vivians house, nothing has changed and it left me with a warm and familiar feeling. My senses weren't heightened anymore but I could still smell the fresh vanilla candle and the clean scent of the newly polished counters.

My heart was thumping—I was terrified. During the car ride Vivians parents went on about how grateful they were for me, what happened to rookery and how tony and Vivian were handing life. It was slightly awkward to be sitting alone with them, for the first time, but also comforting knowing Vivian hasn't forgotten me and our love is still there. I wonder how much they really knew about me and my family. Did they know we lived in their basement, or how far Vivians and my relationship went, the pranks rudolf and tony pulled?

Now, standing by the staircase it became
So real. After months of waiting and wondering I was here, the hard work my family and I did finally paying off.

"VIVAN" tony called and her sweet voice answered.

Any minute she'll be here.

The rest of my family stood behind me, making me feel as if I was the main character in a movie we watched in the sanctuary—as if I was the typical high school teen waiting for my prom date to descend the stairs, where our eyes would catch eachother and the rest would be history. Happily ever after.

The walked down the stairs without her usual happy stride and a sad look plastered on her face. But, she was as beautiful as I ever remembered. Ever detail was more prominent than before...the way her skin glowed natural, her memorizing eyes, her plump lips and her curves. I didn't realize until now how dry my mouth has become and I licked my lips. 

"Vivian" her name rolled off my tongue like butter—how I craved to say her name out loud and not just constantly repeated in my head. To hear each individual syllable and to properly articulate each letter.

She turned to me and—with god as my witness— I saw her change. From a sad and distraught girl to a happy and vibrant woman.

"Gregory" she whispered as if it was a dream and if she spoke too loud I would evaporate in front of her (which happened once before— so it was fair).
I couldn't respond verbally, instead I opened my arms up and looked myself up and down as If to say *ta-da*.
"Oh my god, Gregory" her voice was growing with anticipation, tears forming in the corners of her eyes
"I'm here" I told her and we start towards each other

Once in each other's arms she completely melts into me and I support her from under her arms, while she sobs uncontrollably (trust me I was VERY emotional but I don't cry). I was with her, my girl, my Vivian. After countless days of lying awake at night, wondering what she was doing...what she was thinking. How she was mentally and spiritually.

I know In the short time I was in Vivians life I turned it upside down, put her in danger, fixed her heart and then paralyzed it. And now, after months, I'm back. I mean we are all back, my whole family- standing in her house like a magic trick.

"H— is this possible. Where were you guys?" She looked up at me with her tear stained eyes. Fucking beautiful.
"It's a long story baby, but I'm back" I exhale and hug her tighter. My baby girl.

After what seemed like days we finally pull apart and I give her a kiss. It was everything I remembered. Her lips, her quiet breath and her intoxicating smell. It should be illegal to be this...this perfect. This breath taking.

Vivian pulls back and looks past me, at my family.
"I'm so happy you guys are back" Vivian announces as she leave my arms and makes her way to Anna and my mother, who embrace her with open arms and warm smiles.
"We're happy to be back darling" mother says, hugging her tight. Rudolf gives her a quick hug and father—well an endearing pat on the back.

"There's so much to tell you guys" rudolf looks at tony, Vivian, bob and Dottie.
"Well let's all go sit on the couches. I'll get some coffee and tea and we can Catch up on the past months" Dottie says cheerfully

Vivian grabs my hand, leading me to the family room. Leaning in my ear she tells me " I knew you would be back. I love you"

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