Thank you/small convo

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This isn't a chapter but I wanted to just express the love I have for writing and how it has helped me so much recently. I connect with Vivian about most things and writing and creating her character has helped me a lot.

In high school I started dating a boy and In August we got married. I couldn't be happier, he was a grade older than me. Right after I graduated high school he joined the military. We fought every odd and now I'm a military wife.

Being married to someone in the military is extremely difficult, I was born and raised in the same town my whole life and after our wedding in August I left everything behind to move over 3,000 miles away (from New Jersey to California) to be with my husband. I left my friends, family, my childhood dogs, both my jobs, the community college I was attending— everything.

It's been extremely hard finding someone to connect too. And yes, I've met people but it's not the same connection I've felt with people back home. And now my husband leaves for months at a time I'm in my own little world.

All in all I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who is reading the story and enjoys it. And anyone who reads any of my other stories. Sadly I never finished any of my other stories because I always get side tracked and start a new one!! I'll finish them I swear!!

Also if anyone ever feels alone just know it does get better!

Thank you so much.

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