Chapter 11- attached

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"

Hanzo was panicked but he didn't show it. Or tried not to show it.

"I fucking fucked up shit-"

He tried glancing back to see hanabi. Only to see her Limping.

This broke his heart even more.

He didn't know what came over him when he threw her off. It just happened. He deeply regretted it. His last intention at the moment was to hurt her.

He was just getting too...attached. carrying her fragile body around and hearing her calm heartbeat as she slept. Was too much. He had to stop himself from caring about her. So his first instinct was to throw her away. Like how he threw away everyone else in his life.

But this only caused him to care even more about her. Constantly looking back to see if she was doing okay while trying to seem unbothered.

Deep down he only wanted to go to her, check if she was injured and carry her the rest of the way. Like the princess she was.

He quickly stopped himself from thinking of her that way. She was his enemy. His nemesis. He only wanted her dead. After this mission, he was sure he would end her life and claim the hinganbana. That was his official plan. But now, her little rants while walking or her shocked expressions when he said something flirty. They were entertaining to him.

He was lonely for so long. Didn't even talk to anyone let alone help someone. But now, suddenly he was helping around this girl while constantly being amused by everything she did.

He had to stay away from her. He swore to.

Hearing her little whimpers as she walked were no help. He tried to ignore them and focus. But failed miserably.

Luckily, he noticed that the giant valley they once saw, has came to an end. And he promised her they would take a break once they passed this place and entered the woods. So even though he wanted to avoid it,he had to talk to her now.

He waited for a minute so she could catch up. He didn't turn around but he did feel her standing next to him, waiting for him to move again.

"We...should take a break now."

He managed to say. He still felt ashamed about his unnecessary behaviour earlier.

Hanabi didn't say anything in response and just leaned over a nearby tree.

He was hoping she would talk, even to yell at him and tell him how stupid he was, but she didn't. And that made him hate himself.

He was about to join her when he heard movement not so far away. He looked up to see hanabi was also triggered.

She looked at him and looked back while carefully grabbing her hinganbana and getting into her defense position.

Hanzo did the same. Swiftly getting closer to her and holding his sword out incase they faced a threat.

He didn't see anything move until he heard hanabi throw he hinganbana with full force. He watched in awe as the weapon flew around. And hit a tree.

Hanzo was about to say how stupid that move was but he heard a whine not so far away.

They both ran to the direction only to see an assassin, pinned to the tree by the hinganbana that sliced through his hand.

While hanzo was shocked that she managed to do that, hanabi wasted no time and started questioning the guy

"Who are you?"

She said as she got close and held her hinganbana without pulling it away.

The guy didn't answer .

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