Chapter 27

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I hadn't slept a wink that night. I waited until Zelda was soundly asleep before removing myself from being entwined with her and slipping out of our room. I dressed quietly in a different room and made my way to the weapon room to retrieve my sword and shield. whilst I was there, I fastened my adventure pouch around my waist and made sure I had everything I could possibly need. When I was ready, I found Epona in the stables and swung myself onto her. I was back in that familiar situation. Fully equipped and ready to do whatever I had to do. I kicked Epona into a gallop and headed where I knew Lynax would be waiting for me.


I inhaled sharply and sat up, extremely relieved to have escaped yet another nightmare. This was an awful one, in which Link had gone and I couldn't find him no matter where I looked. I was covered in a layer of cold sweat, and panting heavily. My level of panic increased when I looked over and realised that Link was actually gone. He couldn't have gotten up already, it was still dark outside. I scrambled out of the sheets and hurried to the guards dorms.

"EVERYBODY UP!" I yelled, ringing the large bell that was used on occassions like this. Men immediately began getting out of their beds, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. "I NEED A SEARCH PARTY ORGANISED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LINK IS MISSING. I NEED MEN IN EVERY CORNER OF HYRULE!" I demanded before rushing back to my room to dress. As I left, I saw guards already fully dressed streaming out of various doorways in the corridor. I ran to the stables to see that Epona was gone. Link had gone to find Lynax. I stifled my tears as I mounted the nearest horse and prepared to leave.

"Your highness!" I heard behind me. It was the head guard. "We've got this covered. You need to stay in the castle."

"I don't need to be anywhere other than searching for Link." I stated in reply before encouraging the horse into a gallop and heading to where I vaguely remember Lynax's fortress was.

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