Chapter 7

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A/N: This is Zelda's POV incase it's unclear, sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been super busy! Sorry this is short, thank you for reading :)

I'd been waking up in a small yet adequate bedroom. Dread was filtering into my bloodstream, and the feeling was overwhelming me more every second I spent waiting. Every small noise I heard, every time the door banged a little against the frame, I tensed up. I knew what was coming, and I didn't know wether I wanted to wait as long as possible or just get it over with. 

A knock on the door. It echoed through the room and my head. I stared at the door, waiting for someone to burst in and take me. They knocked again. 

I gulped and stood, having to grab the bedpost with my quivering hand when I stumbled. I grabbed the door handle, inhaling deeply. I put on a blank expression and swung open the door. Immediately, a hand grasped my wrist tightly, yanking me out of the room. It was some sort of guard. They brandished a large dagger, a silent threat, and shoved me forwards. I turned around and started to walk down the long hallway. 

After what felt like a very long time, I found myself outside of a gigantic oak door. The guard stepped in front of me, holding his palm up. I stopped and watched as he pressed his ear to the door. He walked away slowly, back round behind me. I could hear myself breathing, and my heart pounded in my ears.

"Go." I heard, a faint echo among the thoughts whizzing through my head. I opened the large door and stepped through with my head held high.

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