Chapter 10

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A/N: I know I've been switching between the perspectives of Link and Zelda for the last few chapters, but I've stayed with Link now as Zelda is obviously unconscious! Enjoy x

After a few days of trying to figure out a way to leave the village unnoticed, I gave up. If Zeldas condition was as bad as it was when I got to her, she wouldn't even be conscious. I'd had a lot of well needed sleep, uninterrupted by any bad dreams. I was healing up, but slowly. It still hurt just to breathe. Uli had used a couple of fairies on it, to my dismay. I liked to save the fairies for when they were really necessary, but I couldn't deny that it made me feel a lot better. 

Zelda was on my mind all the time. I couldn't shake the image of her laying, practically lifeless next to me in the cart. Or the memory of her limp in my arms as I struggled to carry her out of the fortress they were keeping her in. Everyone reassured me she was recovering, but was this really able to be undone? I still didnt know what had happened to her, but something told me it was nothing to be underestimated. 

One morning, I'd decided to get out of bed and try and get moving a bit. I waited until Uli and Rusl left the house and sat up on my arms. I hissed at the pain, but managed to swing my legs over the side of the bed. I got up and used the bucket of water on the nightstand to splash my face. I had to grab things as I walked for support, but other than that I was alright. I tried my best to ignore the pain. 

As I swung open the front door, a few of the kids playing outside turned to look at me. My eyes found Colin, who was beaming.

"Link!" He exclaimed. As he said this, some more people turned to look. I forced a smile and grabbed the doorframe to stop myself from falling. I felt a little dizzy, but if I just sat down I'd be okay. People rushed over to help me, but I shook my head.

"I'm okay. I've been through a lot worse." I said, signalling to the bandages around my middle. They looked shocked as I hobbled past them. Eventually I made it to a bench next to the pumpkin patch. Colin quickly sat next to me. 

"Hey, Colin." I smiled, rubbing his hair. It had felt like ages since I'd seen him, or any of the kids in Ordon. 

"I missed you, Link." He said, a sad expression on his face.

"Hey, chin up. I'm here now, aren't I?" 

"But you'll just go again, like always." He muttered. I sighed. Memories of my old life flashed through my mind, when I had nothing to worry about. I put my arm around him.

"I wish I could explain to you how much I want to stay, but things keep happening. I only leave to keep everyone safe. You need to understand that." I replied. He nodded and gave me a tiny smile that reminded me of the old days. "And you know what?" I said. He looked up at me questioningly. "That fishing rod you made for me? That helped me save Hyrule." I smiled down at him. A happy look lit up his features. 

"Who was the lady here the other day? Is she okay?" He asked, out of the blue. It saddened me that Colin had to see that. He was too young and innocent for such a horrible scene.

"That was Zelda." I muttered, averting my eyes to the stream. I could almost sense his facial expression change. I can see why she would be unrecognisable in that state.

"What happened to her?" 

"I don't- no one knows yet."

"Yet?" His voice was small.

"We're waiting for her to wake up."

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