Chapter 28

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As soon as I entered Lynax's throne room, I was slammed backwards into the wall with so much force that my vision blackened at the edges. Somehow, I'd managed to keep hold of my sword.

"I was wondering when you'd return." Lynax bellowed. I could sense his smug grin from underneath his robe. "I've missed having a little rag doll I can play with." He used his power again to hurl me across the room, sending me sliding along the ground. "I had far too much fun with that petty little queen." I stared at him in anger, standing up as I did so. I prepared my sword and made it clear I was here to fight. "Aaaaah, the little boy wants me to play fair, does he? I can play fair." He cackled as he slowly moved round to the back of his throne, emerging with a gigantic black sword that was probably the size of me. I clenched my jaw and remembered what I was here to do. Lynax span the impressive blade around in his hand skillfully. "Thank you for the opportunity to use this darling again. It will be even prettier when stained with your blood."

"Cut the talking. Lets go." 


He soared through the air before landing closely infront of me. I rolled round quickly so I was behind him and managed to get a jab in. He spun round, swinging the dark blade with huge force. I jumped backwards just in time. As he prepared to swing again, I jumped forward and pierced his lower stomach. He yelled in pain. A weak spot. Good. 

"You're going to regret that, you stupid boy!" He moved towards me as I moved back, my master sword positioned diagonally, ready to block any hits he tried to make. He made a couple of attempts and I managed to block them with some difficulty. I decided to go for a back slice again but, as I rolled, the tip of his blade sliced my bicep. I grabbed the wound and rolled to stand, trying to ignore the searing pain. Lynax laughed menacingly. Luckily he hadn't injured my sword arm.

As our fight escalated, I knew I wasn't doing well. Not only was Lynax much bigger and stronger than me, he had serious skills in sword fighting. Soon I was bleeding from multiple places on my body, but he hadn't inflicted any life threatening wounds yet. As for me against him, I had managed a few hits but only one more in his weak spot. I felt like we had been at it for decades.

As I was beginning to think I couldn't go on much longer, I managed to get a good hit in his weak spot, causing him to scream loudly in pain, grabbing his stomach and dropping his sword. This window of opportunity allowed me to swing at him more, and at this point he was on his knees, breathing heavily. I felt like I'd never experienced so much pain in my life, and I was almost praying that Lynax would just give in. I hoped that this was the moment.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" He bellowed, his words echoing around the large room. Lynax moved at superhuman speed, grabbing his sword and stabbing me straight through my stomach. He had moved so fast that there was no way I could have anticipated this move. I looked down to see that he had completely impaled me on his sword. I couldn't feel anything at that moment in time. 

The next thing I knew I was being thrown across the room again. I hit the wall one last time before slamming onto the ground. I couldn't move, I could barely see, any sound that was made was a blur of noise in my ears. I saw some figures coming through the door. I didn't care who they were or what they wanted. 

I thought of Zelda. And how much I loved her.

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