Chapter 32

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When we arrived back, I kept Colin at the castle and had the cooks prepare him a decent meal. My maids found him some clean clothes and bathed him whilst I set out to find Rusl. I had many residents give me their condolences whilst I marched around Castle Town, but I couldn't stop for long conversations. I muttered thank you's and passed the people reluctantly. After what felt like an hours search, I spotted Rusl's back as he walked through the market. I almost ran to him and grabbed his arm.

"Rusl!" I said to him. He turned around in shock.

"Zelda? Is everything alright? I haven't had the chance to speak to you-"

"I have Colin." Rusl's face dropped in disbelief, "At the castle. Come on." I pulled his arm and he followed me back. As we entered the courtyard I saw Colin stood with a maid at the entrance to the castle. He began to run to us as he recognised I was with his father. I saw that Rusl's cheeks were stained with tears of happiness as Colin bounded to him and practically jumped into his arms. It was nice to finally see some sort of happiness, even if it wasn't my own. 

"Where's mum?" Asked Colin. I sighed and looked away, not wanting to see Colin's reaction. I could almost sense Rusl doing the same thing.

"Your mother.. is no longer with us, Colin."

"Was she killed?" He asked, shocking me. I looked over at the two. Rusl was nodding sadly, and I noticed he was trying not to cry.

"I tried my best to protect her.. and the whole of the village, but I managed to lose her for good and I thought I'd lost you too, Colin.." Rusl looked up at me, tears in his eyes threatening to drip down his face. "Thank you, Zelda. I couldn't ever repay you for this. Please, if you ever need anything, just ask." He said to me, gratitude in his eyes. I nodded back to him. 

"I'm sorry I never warned you. I could have stopped all of this from happening-"

"Zelda. Listen to yourself. That monster wouldn't have stopped, and it's horrible that we had to lose Link in order for it to be gone for good."

I bit my lip, holding back tears yet again. Mentally, I was a mess. I couldn't even handle hearing his name.

"...Lose Link?" Colin's small voice repeated. I suddenly remembered he didn't yet know. Rusl sighed.

"Colin, you know that Link was very brave, don't you?" He said as Colin nodded his head sheepishly, "He did the bravest thing of all so that all of us would be safe. Do you understand?" Colin was now crying, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I sobbed and dropped to my knees, Rusl giving me a fatherly embrace and Colin stroking my hair gently.

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