Chapter 11

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I sat on the ledge next to my house, staring at nothing. I was so tired, and I hadn't had a proper night's sleep since I was sleeping at Uli and Rusl's house. I ruffled my hair and went to jump down and go into the village, when a familiar shadow appeared next to me.

"Midna?! How did you... You're still here?" I asked, dumbfounded. She wasn't in her imp form, and it was strange to see the shadow of her true self.

"It took a while, confusing stuff, not explaining. I came to tell you some news about Zelda." I sat up, eager.

"What happened to her?" That was all I really needed to know, before anything else.

"I was getting to that. She's with the Zoras, as you've probably been informed. They've got her in healing water, like in your spring but much stronger. She's got... patterns on her skin, much like-"

"When Ganon possessed her." I muttered, my head in my hands.

"Mm. She's not in a good state, Link. Just.. prepare yourself. Her triforce is faint, and she's so pale.. I'm not sure what's going to happen when she wakes up."

"I have to be there. They have to let me see her, Midna!" I raised my voice, finally venting my frustration about this whole situation.

"The Zoras are kind people, Link. Think of all you've done for them. They owe you, so go and ask." She replied with a wise tone. "I have to go now. I'm sorry, it was good to come back but, I am a busy princess after all." I could sense her smirk.

"Thank you, Midna. Really, I missed you."

"Same goes to you, hero. Goodbye, hehe!" 

I smiled to myself as her shadow faded. The sound of her giggle rang in my ears, a sound that was so familiar to me after going through my whole journey with Midna. It took me a while to remember what she had said. I had to go and see the Zoras. 

I got dressed with some difficulty and managed to pull myself up onto Epona. I patted her and began to canter her through Faron Woods.

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