Chapter 9

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We were both practically at death's door when Rusl found us. I'd almost been killed in a one on one sword fight trying to get to Zelda, and she had almost had her life ripped out of her. I looked over at her as we lay in a cart, being pulled back to Ordon by Epona and Rusl's horse. She was deathly pale. Her face was gaunt. Blood trickled steadily from her nose and mouth. Her breathing was unsteady and barely there. I hated myself for not getting there sooner. I could have prevented all of it. I didn't even know if she was going to pull through this. I wheezed and looked down at myself. I had a large wound across my stomach that Rusl had hastily patched up with one of his shirts. My bloodied sword and shield lay next to me, the only two reasons I was alive.

When we arrived at Ordon, it was chaotic. I couldn't comprehend what anyone was saying to me. I saw Zelda get pulled out of the cart, heard Rusl trying to explain everything. People grabbed the bed I was laying on and pulled it out of the cart.

"Oh, godesses.." I heard women gasp.

"These poor souls.."

"What did it do to her?"

"Is she dead?"

All I could focus on was how nauseous I felt and the pain that surged through my aching body. Eventually, I must have passed out, because that's all I recall.

"You couldn't even save her! To think that you carry the title of the Hero of Time is sickening!"

"You are weak!"

I was being aggressively pushed through what seemed like an angry mob. Their insults boomed in my head, echoing until I couldnt distinguish what anybody was saying anymore. 

"She's gone! Because of you!"

"Face the consequences!"

I finally made it to the front of the giant crowd. Zelda lay on the ground in a pool of her own blood, as deathly pale as she was when I looked at her in the cart. As I wrenched my eyes away from her dead body, the last thing I saw was a flaming arrow flying straight at my face.

I woke up with a start, pushing myself up onto my elbows. I had been sweating in my sleep.

Just a dream. Not real.

I was panting and flustered, and it took me a while to gather my surroundings and work out that I was in Rusl's house. I suddenly became aware of the burning pain in my stomach, and I remembered the large wound I'd gained. Someone peered around the door. Uli.

"Oh, Link! Finally, you're awake." She rushed to my side and grabbed a rag from a nearby table, dunking it in a bucket of water and pressing it gently to my forehead.

"Where is she? How is sh-"

"Don't worry yourself. She's with the Zoras. They've informed us that shes recovering, slowly but surely."

I sighed with relief. "Do you know what happened to her?"

"Me? No. No one is sure yet, but they know that it was serious. She's lucky to be alive." Uli replied with a solemn look on her face. 

"I have to see her." I stated, wincing as I sat up. Uli grabbed my shoulder.

"No, Link. You can't."

"I have to!" I almost shouted.

"They won't let you see her. Her condition is too severe." Uli said sternly, her eyes burning into mine. "Rest. That is what you have to do."

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