Chapter 12

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My wound throbbed with every movement Epona made, but I gritted my teeth until we reached the upper river. I carefully got off my horse and gave her a little food before setting off on foot.

I wasn't sure what to say when I reached the Zoras. I walked into the domain, and a couple of heads turned. No one sat at the throne. I glanced around uncomfortably and walked towards a corridor I spotted behind the throne that I'd never seen before. Zoras whispered behind me, but I couldnt make out what they were saying. I'd hardly stepped into the corridor when a Zora came round the corner and stopped me. 

"You can't come through here, sir."

Before I could reply, Prince Ralis poked his head around the corner. He looked me up and down.

"Link?" I stared back in response, nodding slightly. He tilted his head away, signalling me to follow him. He nodded at the guard Zora and I stepped past. 

"I was told you wouldn't let me through here so easily." I said to him as we walked, at a loss for anything else to say.

"You helped me return to health, and my loved ones, my people. I must help you reutrn to your loved one." He said simply. I didn't respond for a while.

"Thank you." I muttered, looking ahead. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. I considered asking about Zeldas condition, but I knew he would just say he didn't know, like everyone else. The corridor seemed to go on for ages, and I got more nervous with each step. I remained silent until we reached a tiny door. Ralis looked at me briefly. I nodded and he opened the door carefully, allowing me to step in first. 

Zelda lay in a small bath of healing water, crystal clear and almost sparkling. She wore a simple white nightdress, and looked peaceful. I stepped closer, and noticed the dark patterns in her skin, like tattoos. They weren't everywhere, which I guessed meant they were slowly taking over. Her breaths were unsteady and she seemed weak, even though she was merely lying down. Her hands floated around at her sides in the water. It was like she was already dead. 

"She.. was much worse when she was brought to us." Ralis said eventually. 

"How so?" I tore my eyes away from Zelda and turned to face Ralis.

"She had an extensive head injury, probably from high impact against something, and her back was cut and grazed. She was barely alive. We still are not sure of the cause of the marks." He explained. I sighed.

"When did they start appearing?"

"They were barely noticeable at first, but they've gotten darker and there are more now." 

A sharp inhale behind me. I span around to see that Zelda's eyes were open, and she was panting and panicking, as if she'd just woken from a nightmare. I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her tiny frame.

"Zelda? Zelda?! It's okay, It's me, you're okay!" I tried to console her. She pushed me off of her and glared up at me, and thats when I saw the yellow eyes.

A/N: Hello! So I'm thinking of ending this story soon, maybe in the next couple of chapters, and I'm thinking my next story is going to be following Skyward Sword Link and Zelda :) Thanks for reading x

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