Chapter 15

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It had, as it did last time, taken at least a couple of days to get to the place where I'd found out Zelda was when she was taken away. As I approached the huge building on Epona, I squinted up at it. It didn't seem like there was much going on in there. I jumped down off of my horse and adjusted my sword and shield, still unsure of what to do or say if they were in there. After thinking about it on my journey, I had low expectations of them still being in this fortress, when they're aware that I know where it is. Only an idiot would stay after I'd been there. I took another quick glance at the weathered stone structure before making my way towards the smaller door at the back, which I was almost certain would be unlocked, like last time. I was stopped in my tracks by an arrow piercing the ground right before my feet.

"That's close enough." A voice boomed. I looked up but the shooter had hidden. 

"Okay, okay." I decided to play it safe, stepping away from the arrow and raising my hands. The guard peered over one of the window ledges.

"Why are you here?" They asked. I squinted up at them. I didn't expect the area to be guarded, and hadn't thought up some sort of explanation of my presence. I had no idea what to say, so I just told him the truth.

"I'm here to speak to someone. It's very important." I replied, unsure if that was a very valid reason. 

"Remove your sword and shield, and anything else you've got on you." They bellowed down to me. I sighed and unfastened my weapons and protection, placing them carefully on the ground by my feet. I did the same with my potions, but decided to keep my small dagger on me, just incase. There was a long silence after I did this. I looked up at the guard again, to see he was staring intently at the stuff I just took off. His eyes widened before he rushed away from the window. "Hey!" I yelled in frustration. What was even going on? After a short while, the guard returned, but he emerged out of the small back door.

"What are-" I stopped mid-sentence when the guard raised his bow at me, and arrow aimed at my chest. "Whoa.." I backed towards my equipment. As I turned around to pick it up again, my arm was grabbed by another armed guard, who shoved me backwards and pulled all of my possessions out of my reach. Looking up, I saw that I was actually surrounded by these people, all wearing the same clothing, all wearing the same angry facial expression, all pointing some sort of weapon at me. I straightened up, trying to think of a logical way out of this. My thought process stopped as the cloaked figure that had nearly killed Zelda slowly emerged through his circle of guards. The first guard must have recognised my shield, from when I'd come looking for Zelda before.

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