Watch your mouth, Norman

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Norma was making pot roast. She greeted us and Norman asked her how he could help all the while putting on a frilly apron. I sighed to myself. Weirdo. Emma and I, who were told not to help because we were the guests, sat at the kitchen table and everyone conversed together. Norma asked me how the picnic went. I said fine once more. How did everyone even find out about that? Sheesh.

My heart lit up when I heard someone coming through the front door! It was Dylan! I smiled at him and he said "Hey," to everyone as he entered the room. "Ginny," he began, "have you even had a tour yet?"

I shook my head no. He cocked his head, gesturing me to follow him for a tour of the house. The rooms had freaking stuffed animals in them, and not the cute fuzzy kind. The dead kind. The touched-and-stuffed-by-Norman kind. The basement wasn't creepy at all. Just kidding. It was. The house was old and pretty dusty and cob-web ridden still. Dylan showed me his room and it felt intamate. I liked it. I didn't know what was going on when he shut the door. "I have something for you," he stated with the sexiest expression.

"You do?" I asked. Secretly, I was joking to myself, thinking, what is it? Your dick? Lol, maybe another time.

He pulled out a rectangular box. What the? I gave him a puzzled look before opening it. Oh my gosh. I was stunned. It was the crescent moon necklace I had seen at the boutique Sunday, the day I arrived. Flashbacks of seeing his truck parked at the shop came flooding back and now I know what he was doing there. My eyes wet, I looked at him in awe. "Dylan!" I cried. "How did you know?"

He smirked playfully. "A little Emma told me. Here. Let me put it on you." He pulled the necklace from its bed in the box and hooked it around my neck. "What is this for?" I asked.

He licked his lips. "Well," he said, "I felt bad about earlier. I know I acted kind of weird and I didn't mean too. I made it awkward and I'm sorry. I like you alot and I hope you do stay so we can go on more dates."

"I hope so too!" I sighed. "I'm sorry I acted weird too. I guess I just felt like you were mocking me in a way. Like we could go on a couple more dates but for nothing. I don't know. I can't explain it. I'm dumb." My eyes were a teensy bit teary.

He softly chuckled. "You're not dumb. I get it." He placed his hands on my neck and deeply kissed me. Then he wiped the remnants of tear traces away with his thumb.

We went back to the kitchen and dinner was ready. I beamed at Emma who reciprocated.

Dinner was going swell until Norman had to open his creatin mouth. "So are you boyfriend and girlfriend now or what?"

Ok, like one, way to make it awkward. And two, way to talk like a nine year old.

Dylan and I looked at each other, and I met eyes with Emma. Neither of us answered. Dylan cleared his throat before he announced that "We like each other, ok Norman?"

"Well Emma likes me but that doesn't mean I am her boyfriend."

Emma dropped her fork by accident and her face pinkened. "Norman!" Norma scolded. That pissed me off. How dare he embarrass Emma like that. I couldn't hold my tongue. I had to speak.

"Wow," I sneered. "Way to fucking embarrass her like that." I slammed my napkin on the table and scooted my chair back. As I stood, I yelled, "What the hell's your problem?!"

"Ginny," Emma tried to calm me down. "It's fine," she lied.

Norma looked astonished.

Dylan was stunned too but agreed. He stood also. "Come on."

Emma rose. "Thanks for dinner, Norma," she said as she followed us outside. I heard Norman try to say he didn't mean to say it like that.

I flung open the door before Dylan could open it for me and I waltzed outside and down the steps to the car. I was breathing heavily from being worked up. "Ginny," Dylan called, he and Emma right on my heels. I spun around. "I can't stand him!" I shouted. I huffed then tried to speak calmly. "I'm sorry, Emma, he shouldn't have said that. That was so rude. He had to make it awkward for us too." I nodded towards Dylan.

Emma sniffed. "It's fine. I'm glad you stuck up for me. I hope it doesn't make things awkward now at work. And I'm not so sure how many more dinners we'll be invited to." We all chuckled. "Well let's go home," she said.

I hugged Dylan goodbye and we kissed. "Thanks again for the necklace," I said.

Emma and I discussed the incident further in her Bug. "He better watch what he says from now on. I will kick his ass and I'm not kidding."

Emma sniggered. "I know you're not."

"So when did you tell Dylan about the necklace?"

"Today," she answered. "He called me after the picnic and told me he did something stupid. He asked me what I thought you would like as an apology gift and I remembered the necklace."

"Nice," I replied, sitting back and smiling to myself about it.

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