A Miracle To My Ears

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I was shivering from the bitter cold of that wet, metal box. I turned over to see the light from the slits of the box. It looked like it was early morning. There may have been frost on the ground still, I don't know.

I zoned in on the sounds I heard. Distant chirping of birds. I listened for a while. It comforted me. I heard a noise that wasn't a bird. I stiffened my body, alert.

I heard...no. It couldn't be. I listened again. Oh my God it was!

"DYLAN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Norman jumped and hit his head on the top of the box. He looks at me. "What is it?!" he shouted.

"It's Dylan! I hear him calling for us! Listen!"

Norman and I were quiet, waiting for the far-off yells of his brother. Finally, we heard him. We both started screaming for Dylan and Norman was also screaming for his mother. Dylan's calls were getting louder which meant he was coming nearer! We were as good as saved!

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