12. Me and You

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1 week later
//Justin Bieber\\

"I have to go, to my shoot and you can't keep doing this" Lyanna grabbed her heels, putting them on, she wobbled slightly as she placed one hand on the bed to keep her balance. "Stay for five more minutes please" I pulled at her hand, pleading for her to cuddle with me, she was a human form of my favourite pillow. She fell back on the bed, giggling ever so slightly. "Justin, you know I can't, vogue calls" She pressed a kiss on my cheek and then one on my forehead.

"But I want to snuggle and annoy you all day" I smoothed her hair off her face, grazing my thumb over cheeks, her smooth skin, her rosy cheeks starting to reappear.

"Baby, I really have to go" she pecked my lips before standing up and grabbing her hand bag. "I'll be back for our date?" She smiled as I sat up ruffling my hair up as she bit her lip, crossing her arms as she shifted her weight on one side. "Yeah, eight i'll pick you up babe" I winked as she laughed rolling her eyes playfully and waving her hand as she made her way out of the room.

I had so much planned...a romantic night out, candles, wine, food and definitely planning on laying under the stars with her...kisses and cuddles included. But, just spending it with Lyanna...wow, she had me whipped, badly and right now, there was no way I was going to jeopardise anything.


I rolled my sleeves of my shirt up and I looked into the mirror as Surina and Ciara sat on the couch. "If you keep changing your shirt you're never going to meet her on time." Surina passed me a denim jacket. "It matches you look great you little diva. Now get out of here" She opened the door and shoving me harshly, then placing my phone and wallet in my hands before slamming the door in my face.

"Keys! Surina keys!" I yelled banging on the door as if briefly opened she handed me the keys to the maserati.

"Go!" She shoved me once again as I ran to the car. I unlocked the car, hopping in fixing all the mirrors, turning on the ignition, hearing the engine roar to life, I smirked feeling pretty cocky in the moment, perfect ride for my perfect girl. I pulled out of the driveway and on my way to pick up Lyanna.

I was going out with Lyanna tonight, not just that but I was really going to ask her to be serious with me. After the other day I really felt like, i needed to be official with her...she cared far too much what other people thought and she was scared...but I saw something more than just "going out" and taking things slow.

//Lyanna Moore\\

"Can you tie me up?" I turned to Scotty as he fixed the bows of my dress. "I wish I could keep it forever" I huffed as Scott chuckled. "You can if you want" he whispered as I felt my eyes widen as I squeaked excitedly. This dress was so cute, it was slightly fitted around the top and flared around my waist and down. Balmain bless your damn soul.

"Go, they won't know it's gone, I mean after all you're Lyanna Moore they can't get mad." He hugged me tightly, I thanked him before I slipped on my nude Louboutin heels. Hearing a couple knocks on the dressing room doors, I turned, curious as to who wanted to speak to me during a dress change. "Lyanna someone's here to visit you" Scotty sang out as he pushed the door open to show Justin smiling, his hand running through his hair. "Hey! What are you doing here? It's seven thirty" I checked my watch as Justin pecked my cheek. "We have to go, I asked Scotty if you could finish early" he tucked his hands into his pockets. "Well alright, just let me get my bag and we'll be on our way" I stepped backwards smacking right into the couch and falling over.

"Careful Ly" Justin rushed over to help me up as I rubbed my back and letting out an awkward laugh. "Jesus you give me a heart attack when I leave you alone for two seconds" he sighed, holding onto my arm as as I laughed and fixing my hair.

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