21. Little Things

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//Lyanna Moore\\

"Do you want to look yourself?" Iza held up the tray as I shook my head, a nervousness starting up in my stomach again, I opened my mouth to speak to maybe look for myself...but no words left my lips.

"Are you ready?" Iza picked up one as I nodded. This knot in my stomach building up, like a wave of nausea beginning to start up.

"Negative" Iza showed me, one pink line visible to Surina and I as she smiled.

She continued to pick up the next one. "Positive" her words making me tense. "Smiley face" she showed my before throwing it out. "Good God" i mumbled feeling the panic beginning to bubble in my stomach.

"I can't wait" I walked over to the tray, my eyes scanning over all the tests. I had never seen so many double pink lines staring right back at me. It was if my conscious was laughing so hard, rolling on the floor and saying my career was over. I felt my eye twitch which basically meant my body saying "you've fucked up this time Lyanna"

"It's like it's mocking me just waiting for me to fall" I mumbled as I chucked the tray into the bin. "What do I tell Justin?" I turned to Surina huffed biting on her thumb nail as she reached over to my bedside table then handing Iza my phone handing it over to me.

"The truth, that's all. If he can't handle that then he is an idiot" Surina crossed her arms over her chest as I found my thumb hovering over the home button. I found myself eventually typing in my passcode and calling Justin as Iza and Surina quietly exited the room.

"Lyanna? It's five in the morning" His voice was raspy and low as I felt my heart flutter. I had missed him. A lot. His voice his ugh everything.

"Justin, i know it's early but it's urgent" I placed my phone down on the bed as I left it on loudspeaker lying down as I heard some shuffling and a click which i assumed was a light being turned on.

"Okay, hit me" I heard him mumble as I gulped. "A few days ago I realised that I missed my period" I began as I fiddled with my fingers. "I got scared so I sent out Iza to buy some tests and I tested myself" I felt my voice waver.

I could hear Justin clear his throat I silence between the line as I found that as a way to continue. "The tests say i'm pregnant and i'm scared. I'm scared like hell and I need you but you're so far away and I don't know what to do!" I paused finding myself talking far too frantically as I let out a breath.

"Lyanna, calm down it's okay. You're sure it's positive?" He asked gently as I whispered back a yes.

"I need to see you okay? I'll try and get a flight out. I love you" He mumbled, then hanging up before I could answer.

"No! No don't fly out!" I looked over at my phone. "Ugh he's going to make a big deal out of you and me bub" I placed a hand over my abdomen.


"So he's coming to see you? Flying OUT to see you?!" Surina handed me a glass of water and two pills. "What are these?" I looked at the white pills as Iza and Surina smiled.

"They're multivitamins, they help with growth and development for the baby" Surina showed me the box with a little baby growing on the front as I shrugged taking the pills and finishing my water.

"Well I guess i'm in for this" I felt myself thinking about the baby, how huge I would get, what I would crave everyday at weird hours of the day, what would happen to my career? I wondered if Victoria's secret would drop me and say I was ruining them by coming out too late about my pregnancy...

"Well this is a perfect place to raise a baby" Surina looked around Justin's half renovated house. "Yeah, they're almost finished renovating the studio and the lounge room and two bathrooms near the man cave." I leaned against the counter as my phone buzzed.

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