22. Bring Me Home

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Bring Me Home by Tori Kelly :) xx ENJOY


//Lyanna Moore\\

"How are you this big already sweetheart?" My mum rushed towards me engulfing me in a hug. "I don't even have a bump yet!" I looked down to see my flat stomach.

"It's because she's skinny" Gale sat on the couch on her phone. "And you're like really tall so you're huge" Gale gave me a cheeky smile. "Please be on your best behaviour today, Justin's parents are arriving today and i'm nervous as hell" I looked in the mirror fixing my hair and making sure not a piece of hair was out of place.

"Darling, stop worrying" my dad chuckled walking into the lounge room with Justin as he nodded mentally telling me 'it was an okay talk'

"Your brother and little sister are staying here?" I dusted off my dress as Justin nodded with a smile on his face. "Only Jazzy for a few days, Jaxon has hockey training" he checked his phone, which was something he had been on all day because he would get to see his parents and talk to them and I would finally meet them face to face rather than facetime.

"So kiddo, the baby alright? Are you on a good balanced diet?" My dad handed me a glass of water as I thanked him.

"Well i'm only a few weeks, the doctor said it's looking all good and that I have been told always be relaxed at all times during my pregnancy" I smiled, fixing Justin's button up shirt and unbuttoning a few...just for my own liking.


That sort of awkwardness you get when you can hear an argument clearly throughout the house. "I know you love her! It's not that Justin! What if she's just in it for the money?" His mum yelled as my family sat in the lounge room quietly trying to pretend that they couldn't hear it.

"You don't know what her intentions are Justin, you've been together for almost four months you know nothing about her!" Scooter, his manager yelled back.

"You can't do anything about it! I love her, she's pregnant it's done!" Justin snapped as the room fell silent, you could hear the clock tick and the wind howling through the windows.

"How do you even know it's yours?! She's just another low life slut! Get rid of her, break up with her Justin! It's this twisted sick fairytale you think is real or your career" His mum spat as silence filled the house. Justin began to storm out as my parents gave me this concerned look. I got up, following Justin towards the door.

I had to stop him and blocked him placing my hand on his chest in hopes he would calm down. He paused slightly, taking my hand in his before letting it go. "Lyanna just stop" Justin pushed me back. "I can't stay here" he yanked on the door handle walking out towards his ferrari as I followed him. "Justin! please don't walk out" I called out as I grabbed his hand softly.

"look at me" I watched as he looked up from the ground, this sad stare in his eyes, my hands cupping his cheeks as I was desperate to make him stay. "I can't do this anymore Lyanna" he mumbled pushing me off him as I felt my heart slowly beginning to crack. "Justin" I whispered as I bit my lip as he huffed. "Lyanna i'm being pulled in a hundred different directions and you're going down a path I'm unsure of following" he cleared his throat as I saw his eyes watering.

"don't do this, don't do this to me Justin, please" I begged,. cupping his cheek as he shut his eyes briefly. "would you hate me if i did?" Justin whispered as I shrugged. "You're breaking my heart" I let go of his hand. "I need you" I gulped feeling my tears slip down my cheeks, wiping them away quickly.

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