25. The waiting game

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---25 Weeks ---
//Lyanna Moore\\

"Ugh this doesn't fit anymore" I threw my skinny jeans on the floor as Justin sat on the small couch as I searched through my closet.

"We could just announce it" Justin scratched his neck as I turned around. "Or not at all! People haven't found out and I'd really like to keep it that way" I pulled out a my light pink dress which was a peplum shape so my bump didn't seem so obvious.

"But you waddle now and we can't hide that" He stood up, his hands resting on my bump, his hands rubbing over it every so slightly making my heart swell. He'd be such a good dad once our little alien arrives.

"Can you please just rub a little to the left, it's itchy" I giggled as Justin shrugged before scratching my little itchy spot.

"The things I do for you" He puckered his lips as pushed his face away. "You looked like a fishy" I fixed his shirt as he chuckled.

"So, anyways do we have any names for this little alien" Justin bit his lip as I internally groaned.

"Not yet but Iike the name Lucas" I looked up at Justin for approval. "Hm, i don't know babe, sounds a bit like a cocky teenager name" He mumbled as placed a kiss on my forehead.

"SOMEBODY JUST PUSH DOWN REALLY HARD AND THE BABY WILL JUST POP OUT!" Ciara yelled from downstairs as the front door slammed.

"Oh who invited them?" I walked out to the stair case as Ciara struggled to take each step.

"Smoke it out would be a good one!" Ciara yelled over her shoulder as Ryan silently followed waving to me.

"Never! Never again!" She huffed as I helped her up the final steps. "Overdue by a week" I smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"I hate this kid!" She poked her belly as I laughed. "It's all worth it when the baby is here" I held her hand as we walked into the little family room I had got decorated which Justin surprisingly agreed to.

"So any baby names yet?" Ciara sat down as I shook my head.

"Justin thinks Lucas sounds like a cocky name" I pursed my lips as Ciara giggled. "Sounds like a picky one" she groaned as she placed a hand on her bump.

"Are you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows as she shook her head. "Are you in labour? I stood up as Ciara leaned forward as she held her bump.

"BABE!" I yelled out as I could hear footsteps approaching the family room as Ciara let out a few breaths. "Stay in there" I told her as Justin walked into the room as he had a concerned look written all over his face.

"What's up? The baby alright?" He placed a hand on my bump as I nodded. "I think Ciara's in labour" I smiled as Justin looked over my shoulder as Ciara did her breathing techniques. "Well shit" he mumbled, then turning around calling for Ryan.


"This is really nice for your, you know..." I laid in the spare hospital bed with the stirrups. "I don't even want to know" Justin snorted as I winked at him.

"You're so weird please stop for my sanity" Surina held Jonathan's hand as Ciara slept through the contractions.

"Justin's so excited to see our little alien just pop out" I laughed as Justin mouthed "no way" over to Surina.

"Once the image is there we're never having kids again" Justin tucked his hands into his pockets.

"After this i'm going on a five year birth control there is no way i'm popping a kid out the year after" I huffed getting off the bed. "Seriously? He got you pregnant with birth control, you can't say shit" Iza spat as Justin's eyes widened before laughing.

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