28. Mason

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//Lyanna Moore\\

"We'll just cut the cord" the midwives excused themselves as Justin cut the umbilical cord and took Mason off my chest.

His cries starting up again as I smiled seeing Justin peering over their shoulders to make sure Mason was okay.

"Congratulations!" Surina hugged me. "You did so good" she smiled as I heard them call out a weight for Mason.

"Eight pounds?" Justin looked over at me as I shrugged. "What can I say she fed me" I pointed to Surina as she gasped.

"Ready?" Justin smiled holding this little burrito of a son. "Awh Mason you're all wrapped up" I held him in my arms as he had his eyes shut. "Do we have a name?" Dr Kelly asked she she cleaned up. "Yeah, Mason Drew Bieber" I smiled down at Mason as he yawned. "you're all mine" I held him close to me as Surina left us to have a moment.

"Hey buddy" Justin looked down at Mason as I shuffled over so he had space to sit next to me. "Lyanna" Justin startled me as I looked up seeing him tear up as I held his hand tightly. "Come home already" he mumbled as I bit my lip.

We had spent almost 10 weeks apart and now we were going to get back together...then I thought about Mason, having a dad who was present and the importance of family and lastly, that I loved his father unconditionally despite his mistakes and mishaps. I let out an exhausted breath, then slowly nodding as Justin's face lit up.

Okay" I smiled as Mason whimpered in his sleep before he fluttered his eyelashes slighty and opening them for us to see his hazel eyes staring back at us.

"Hey" Justin grazed his thumb over Masons cheek. "I love you so much, thankyou for giving me my all of this" Justin pressed a kiss against my temple.

"I'm not going to screw up again" Justin chuckled as Mason tried to break through his little burrito wrap.

"I love you too" I smiled feeling my heartbeat picking up. I felt good.


"Oh aren't you just precious?" My mum held him as I smiled. "He's quite the crier, I think he got it from you" I pointed to Justin as he laughed. "What can I say, I have a good pair of lungs" Justin chuckled as I continued to pack some of my things.

"Oh he's just adorable" Pattie smiled as Mason continued to coo as my dad took Mason off my mum for his turn.

"Grandpa bonding" he chuckled rocking him side to side. "How does it feel to know you've given birth?" Pattie crossed her arms as she sat down on the bed.

"Well, a little sore and I have killer cramps but it's worth it" I folded Mason's onsie and placed it the baby bag. "Well, get some rest, us grandparents are staying for a week for you two to adjust." Pattie hugged me as I thanked her.

"Come on Mase" I grabbed him from my dad as he whimpered, I felt myself panic. "No, no don't cry" I patted his bum as he laid in my arms squirming around.

"Here" Justin fixed my arm that was trapping Mason's hand. "Oh" I giggled nervously as Justin placed a kiss on Masons forehead.

"Kids got a head full of hair, i'm jealous" Gale smiled looking at Mason as she held his hand as he squirmed once more. "Mason stop moving it's hard to hold you" I frowned as I fixed him once again as he whined. "no" I whispered as I held him close to my chest as Justin grabbed the rest of the bags.

"here" Justin pushed the baby carrier towards me. "okay Mason" I placed him down softly, passing him a little bunny rabbit toy before placing a blanket over the top. "ready?" I smiled as I picked up the baby carrier before Hugo insisted to carry Mason since I just gave birth a day ago.

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