27. Finally

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//Lyanna Moore\\

"Just like old times?! What's that supposed to mean?!" I let out a sob, blowing my nose into a tissue as I read. I had tissues surrounding me as Gale laid down next to me. "Didn't I say getting back with him was a bad idea?" Gale wiped my cheeks with a tissue.

"Look, you can wait for him to make excuses or you can leave now, you don't have to ask questions, you don't have to get upset." Gale hugged me as I let out a breath.

"I love him and if i'm going to leave he has to know why" I Sat up as I grabbed a my suitcase. "But start packing because once he gets home, I have to be ready to leave" I gave Gale a sure look as she scrambled off the bed running into my wardrobe.

"Shanna sweetheart" I called as I found her in the lounge room watching the wild thornberry's. "I need you to pack your things okay? We're going on a trip" I lied as she immediately got up and ran to the guest bedroom she shared with Gale.

I was prepared to let go, thing is...i was scared how I was going to do it.


"Lyanna" I heard the door shut as I took in a deep breath feeling my heart beating faster as I saw Justin turn the corner in the lounge room. "hey, there you are" he placed his hands in his pockets. "I uh- I'm sorry" he sighed as I stood up from the couch as I placed my magazine on the table.

"Justin, stop please" I spoke up as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Lyanna what's wrong? What happened?" He stepped forward as I took one back.

"Who is she?" I whispered as Justin gulped. "Bella?" He looked at me as I nodded.

"She's a close friend" Justin chuckled as I grabbed my laptop and shoved it towards him. "Friends or secret fuck buddies?!" I spat as Justin saw his own messages on the screen. "I ended that" Justin closed the lid placing my laptop on the coffee table.

"She was way before you, before I fell in love with you" Justin grabbed at my hand as I shoved him shaking my head and feeling my heart beginning to crack. Was he lying to me?

"So you were sleeping with her while we were just starting to see each other is that right?" I spoke in a low voice as Justin bit his lip nodding.

"I can see why long relationships weren't your thing" I rolled my eyes as Justin pursed his lips.

"We met up because she's getting married and she was inviting us" Justin sighed as I nodded. "For what?! Slutty wedding sex? Please go enjoy yourself!" I grabbed a pillow from the couch throwing it at him.

"We're not connected like that anymore" He pleaded as I laughed. "Ok, I get that. Thing is Justin, here's the problem, let me break it down for you" I paused as Justin gulped. "You were in fucking Paris, telling me that you like me, making me feel things for you, the fact that I told you I wanted to be with you and the moment you hopped on that jet and that bitch, that slut, had the nerve to basically suck your dick if i'm not wrong, you were connected to her like that when we were together" I threw my hands up.

"No! Baby, she didn't! I love you I wouldn't do that to you, I would never do anything to break your heart" Justin grabbed my hands holding me close.

"But you already have, you were feeling something for her to keep that going, I read the text messages Justin, she was in Sydney with you" I felt tears beginning to form.

"You can't keep doing this to me Justin!" I whimpered as his head dropped in disappointment. "I'm sorry Lyanna I don't know what else to do" He watched me, his eyes scanning me up and down.

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