24. Everything I Need

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//Lyanna Moore\\

To say the least, the sexual drive between us lasted two weeks until now when I realised I had someone growing inside me, ugh, I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Ever since then everytime Justin wanted to get freaky I hated it, we would argue about it then go to sleep mad.

"Justin! You had one job!" I chucked his jumper at him. "Just fold it and put in the wardrobe okay? Is that so hard?" I placed my hands on my hips. Justin chuckled finishing to collapse some of my moving boxes.

"Okay no need to get moody" he folded it placing it in the empty shelf.

"Moody?! I am nothing but calm!" I stomped my foot. "Yes because calm looks like this" he gestured over to me as I groaned.

"I am with child!" I pointed to my bump. "I have a dick" Justin retaliated.

"I can't with you!" I flicked his ear as he laughed. "I'm just messing around with you baby, come on" he chuckled hugging me tightly.

"The baby is okay, don't get so worried okay?" He rubbed my belly as I had this disapproving look on my face.

"Ly, smile for me babe" he pressed his lips against my forehead as I scoffed. "yeah whatever get out of the wardrobe you're all up in my grill, you're annoying" I waved dismissively at him as he laughed.

"Wait come back!" I yelled as he stopped turning around. "help me up first, sperm donor" I held my hand out as he took it.

"hey i have many titles like baby daddy" he corrected me as I snorted. "are you pushing a watermelon out of your vagina?" I squished his cheeks together as he shook his head. "I have to carry this darn thing all you had to do was" I made the gesture as he snorted.

"yeah, thats all I had to do" he winked as I threw a sock off the shelf at him. "I had to be sexually attracted to my girlfriend to do that" he chuckled as I scrunched up my face. "is that supposed to make me want throw myself on to you because ew" I pushed him away as he laughed.

"listen you" he bent down, face to face with my pregnant stomach. "make her all sexual drive crazy to me, it was better than moody mummy" he pressed a kiss against my stomach, running off before I could hurt him.

"your father I swear to god" huffed turning to the side, pulling my shirt up and looking at my bump in the mirror which was growing bigger and bigger each week...I would ask Justin if I was getting fatter and all he would respond is "you look more and more beautiful as the days go by" what a liar!!! He only said it for extra kisses.


//Justin Bieber\\

I heard a shuffling while I slept, it would stop and start again...soon enough became far too frequent for my liking and Lyanna whispering to herself. I opened one eye in curiosity only to find Lyanna whimpering, as she stood at the side of her bed, clutching her pregnant bump. "Lyanna? are you okay?" I rubbed my eyes sitting up, flicking the lamp on as she shook her head pulling the covers back to see a huge stain of blood on the bed sheet it was fairly big, covering majority on her side as she began to cry.

"are you okay?" I had never and i repeat never jumped out of bed so fast. "look at me, is the baby okay?" I watched as she shrugged, grabbing a pair of leggings to change into. "i think so, i think we're okay" she continued to cry, before placing her head on my chest as I rushed around to get her changed and putting on a shirt.

"come on, lets go"I led her carefully out of the house as she continued to cry as I buckled her into the car. "Lyanna stop" I told her sternly as I placed my hands on her shoulders. "you have to keep it together okay? look at me, everything is going to be okay, the baby is okay, I'm going to get you to the hospital alright?" I brushed her hair off her face, as she let out a shaky breath, placing her head back as she groaned, rubbing her stomach.

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