Chapter 1 : Weather Tornado

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"That's right I'm on a roll!!"

Adventure bay

It's 6:33 AM everyone in Adventure bay is doing their daily activities in the morning, mayor goodway is cleaning the chickaletta's statue, and I can see Alex help Mr.porter open his shop and Mr.Porter was in the kitchen preparing the food he was going to sell, Meanwhile, on the lookout, the puppies were working out before breakfast.

after the pups finished working out Ryder called them for breakfast, all the pups ran inside the lookout, Chase is the first pup to arrive inside the lookout followed by Rubble that was on the furthest tree from the lookout (Yea he was always the fastest about food), Marshall is tripped and crash to his pup house "ouch... Wait for me guys." Marshall shouted then follow the other pups inside.

After breakfast, they were allowed to play outside "hey, wocky wanna play Tug-A-Rope with me?." Zuma asked, "well... Sure I have no other things to do anyway." Rocky said, Zuma, take the rope and go followed by Rocky and bite the other end of the rope while Chase and Skye tossed a volleyball at each other, and Rubble is continued his beauty sleep. That left Marshall doesn't know what he wants to do "well... I'm....gonna... Watering the plants then.
" said Marshall and immediately take his pup-pack and go to the garden.

on top of the lookout

Ryder is on top of the lookout playing games on his pup-pad (i wonder what game) "phew... That was a nice high score." Ryder said looking at 969.72 high scores, Ryder was shocked when his pup pad rang and then answer the call "Hello, Ryder here." Ryder said looking at the screen showing Mr.wingnut with Blur's windy background. "Ryder!! You won't believe what I'm seeing here, there's a tornado here and this isn't an ordinary tornado it brings cold winds and spreads snow all over the place." Mr.wingnut said. "whoa... That's weird something not right around here." Ryder said, then his pup-pad rang again. "hold a second Mr.Wingnut, I got another call." Ryder said and answering another call. "hello? It's Ryder can I help you." Ryder said with the pup-pad showing Carlos with Tracker in the background and a blurred fire background. "Ryder!! It's Carlos something happened in the jungle, there's a weird tornado spreading fire all over the jungle." Carlos shouted. "oh no... That's not good." Ryder said. "yes, I need to Putting the fire out so it doesn't spread and stop the fire tornado but I can't do that alone." Carlos said Then Ryder's pup-pack rang again. "oh.. wait there Carlos well help after I take another call." Ryder swipe and take another call. "hello?" Ryder said showing not blurry but dark on the screen. "Ryder!! You won't believe what I see here!!." Cap'n turbot voice echoing. "Let me guess... A tornado shooting projectile." Ryder guessing. "how do you know?" Cap'n turbot Asked "let's just say I got the 2 same calls about that issue," Ryder said "anyway... The tornado throwing a rock into my boat and broke the direction wheel." Cap'n turbot said. "don't worry cap'n we'll help you and the other." Ryder said while rotating the pup-pad and pulling it to push the callout button. "Paw patrol to the lookout." Ryder calling all the pups. "Ryder needs us!!" All the pups shout and running to the lookout, Marshall tripped by the rope Zuma and Rocky play with and knocked everyone on the lift "uh.... guys can you pull me out please" Marshall said with a rope stuck in his tail, everyone laughed and the lift going up then all the pups suit up for a mission.

"Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir!!" Chase tells their leader that the team is ready for a mission (catchphrase). "Alright pups," Ryder said and the screen pop out showing jungle with fire tornado, Carlos, and Tracker with water bucket then desert with snow tornado, and Mr.wingnut with a shovel and then cap'n turbot running around with rock tornado in his ship "there is a weird tornado in the jungle, desert and sea, they making a mess there, Carlos, cap'n turbot and Mr.wingnut need our help. So for this mission, I'll need... Chase I'll need you and your drone to search the tornado in the jungle and help Carlos bring water from the lake to put out the fire." Ryder said. "Chase in on the case!!!" Chase with his catchphrase. "Skye you will help Chase to put out the fire from the air. " Ryder said "this puppy gonna fly!" Skye with her catchphrase. "but Ryder don't we need marshal to put out the fire too?" Chase asked. "that's right Chase but I need marshal to help on the desert to stop the snow tornado I have an idea how and no one can help on snow-based mission better than....." Ryder said. "Everest!!" All pups shout. "I'm here Ryder!" The husky said. "Everest I need you and your snowcat to pick all the snow from the snow tornado." Ryder said. "off the trail. Everest won't fail!!" Everest with her catchphrase (I don't use the other catchphrase because I think that's for the 100% snowy mission). "Zuma, I need you and your hovercraft to bring Rubble to the flounder." Ryder said. "ready, set, get wet!!" Zuma with his catchphrase. "Rubble, I need you to catch all the rock from the tornado so it can't break anything else," Ryder said. "Rubble on the double!!" Rubble with his catchphrase. "and... Rocky, I need you to fix the flounder wheel so cap'n turbot can move away from the tornado." Ryder said. "don't lose it, reuse it!!" Rocky with his catchphrase. "alright paw patrol is on a roll!!" Ryder shouted and get to the ATV and pups go down the slide and take their vehicles.

Rocky jump and transform his vehicle to boat mode and follow Zuma they are the first to arrive at the mission spot, the flounder and the tornado right in front of them "cap'n turbot! Can you hear me?" Zuma asked, "ugh.... Yea.... kinda." cap'n turbot reply, "Rocky, Rubble, let's go." Zuma command, they got up to the ship and take cover so they don't get hit by the rock, except for Rubble he catching the rock that trying to hit them "a'ight wubble keep catching I'm gonna check on cap'n turbot, wocky gonna fix the steering wheel." Zuma said. They nodded at each other, Zuma going down inside flounder and finding captain turbot sitting there and taking cover with the broken glasses. A moment later Rocky gets inside the flounder "Captain, the flounder is ready to be driven away from the tornado." Rocky informed, "thanks Rocky, let's get out from this tornado." the captain said while getting to the control room.

Meanwhile, Chase and Skye already arrived at the jungle and meet Carlos. "Carlos we're here to help!" Chase and Skye said. "thanks pups we're going to put out the fire first." Carlos said. "we can use my truck to bring a water bucket from the lake to put out the fire," Chase inform. "alright let's do it," Carlos said and loaded the buckets to Chase's truck. "Carlos can you attach the big bucket on my hook I'll put the fire out of the air." Skye Asked. "Okay Skye" Carlos reply, hanging the bucket to the Hook "alright Skye bucket attached" Carlos informed, a few hours later the fire is out and Chase is searching the tornado with his drone
"There is the tornado, it's in the maze"
Chase said and they go to the maze to stop the tornado

Ryder, Marshall, and Everest just arrive in the desert and See snow all over the place "Everest, you know what to do" Ryder commands "I'm on my way, arf!!" Everest said then cleared the snow. "Ryder! I see Mr.wingnut and the tornado" Marshall inform "be right there Marshall" Ryder reply

All the time is done with their mission and now to get rid of the tornado. At the same time, all of the projectile from the tornado is gone and now it's just an ordinary tornado, the tornado starts pulling all the small and light things, and the pulling force goes stronger and stronger. Zuma and Rubble get sucked into the rock tornado followed by rocky that was trying to catch them then Skye and Tracker get sucked by fire tornado followed by chase that was trying to catch them with his net then Marshall gets sucked by the snow tornado while on the ladder and followed by Everest while holding empty bags for snow and Dragged by the bag she holds then Ryder followed them to inside snow tornado, the tornado Don't have enough force to drag Ryder inside so he just walks himself inside the tornado and in a blink they're all dragged to the strange land and Unconscious

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