Chapter 13.1: leading differences

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"In the every silent man there is a thunder inside him be aware..."



Devin joined the all the recruit leaders meeting. He will be an example for a lesson today.

"We're going to meet someone and making peace with other territory." Randal announced. "You all joined here with me to learn how a leader act on the work."

"Randal is a good leader of the talons but he suck at showing his power to the enemies so he need a lesson from me too." Devin explained. "I will also the one who will negotiating in the peace agreement we will do there."

"Now if no one asking let's get to the mission." Randal announced and we walk together.

After we arrived at the meeting place we find someone from afar.

"What's your demand? I'll will grant it as I can." Randal asked.

"Here's the peace contract paper." The people from other place gave Randal a mail and Randal read it.

After reading the paper Randal looked at the guy. "You're kidding right?"

"What does it say?" Devin asked.

"They want freedom to import and export without fee, 100% of talons production earning and free to store illegal items on our place." Randal said.

"That's conquering the place with paper Randal. Never agree to this kind of demand." Devin warned. "You being owned by them an push you back to your old life."

"Can we lower the demand Mayor? For shattered soul and groundhog people sake?" Randal requested.

"Either you accept or this agreement is cancelled." The mayor denied.

"How about we flip a coin, If it's head we agreed to all of the demand and use us as your cover from illegal activities with our blessings... But if it's tail..." Devin said with non-reactive face. "I fuck your daughter Mayor."

Every team leader write something on paper or gadget and take a note as they holding back their laughter.

"what everyone is writing?" I asked Price that is beside me

"This is a trick for alpha of the team." Prince said. "Remember this trick and we can be a great leader with it."

"I don't see trick anywhere." I confused.

"Devin's response to Mayor, what makes it so alpha is his ability to stay non-reactive as in not responding emotionally and simply combating an absurd remark with even more absurdity renders him victorious at this situation." Prince explained.

"But what he said is just a threat to date Mayor's daughter" I replied.

"That's where the absurdity is, not effective to respond to absurd remarks with logic or facts, the great choice is to combat it with even higher level of absurdity." Prince pointed. "Devin knows the danger involved in making an enemy of A notorious killer."

"But he decides to bet on himself in his own reputation as a man would seemingly unlimited power to force Mayor Tomo to withdraw." Ritsu showed up with a black suit while I slowly started to understand the situation.

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