Chapter 4.2: Where's the others lie

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"I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. But now that I see you, I think I understand. There's just nothing inside you. Nothing at all. You're pathetic and sad and empty."


I wake up, look at Zuma and Rubble then get up and walk closer to them "Zuma? Rubble? You guys alright?" I asked. "yeah dude, we're good." Zuma answered then they get up. "where are we?" Rubble asked, We're confused by the place filled with junk... a big bunch of big junks. then we hear someone walking towards us, not one but five of them "look what we have here, we have a guest on our territory" a man with a black fedora said we were his "guests". I must admit, I found him... impressive.

rusted train and a stack of wagons forming a barricade over the tracks. The train cars were strange. I had never seen cattle cars before. The wheels on the engine were missing. From the cactus vines growing over much of it, surely that hadn't seen moving traffic for at least a decade. They had converted the trapped train into a guard outpost. Rusty sheet metal formed sheltered huts jutting out from the wagon stack. From the stench of manure, the old switchhouse on the opposite side was their outhouse. 

the black hat guy noticed me eyeing the cattle cars. "Ah've heard stories of slavers usin' those t' transport slaves long distances over the rails," he muttered. On the other hand, these men were certainly not using them for the buying and selling of people. They were dressed in the same sort of makeshift armor that I think it's taken from the others, but a closer look revealed that several of them carried magical energy weapons of one sort or another. And as we neared, most of those weapons were swiftly pointed at us. 

"Hoi!" Black Fedora man called out. "Let 'em pass. Me an' these little pups are going t' have a talk."

I looked at my friends. Rubble had slowed down, giving the weapon a curious eye. Zuma was more concerned, if not downright appalled, at the condition of some of the pups.

Zuma leaned close, whinnying nervously, "What are we getting into?"

With men and guns, he directed us into the single passenger car on the train, nestled up against the crippled engine. From the reek of dander inside, this was clearly the house of the Black Fedora guy. Or, at least, his office.

"Close up the door," she ordered an orange-coated man as she stepped inside behind us. The door swung shut with a metallic squeal, and I could hear braces thudding into place. We were locked in with the Mafia leader.

Ironically, in better circumstances, I realized this would be a big tactical mistake for the man -- three against one, and at least two of us could handle ourselves in combat. (It was odd and somewhat uncomfortable to think of me as someone who could face a fight with confidence. Not for the first time, I had to wonder if this land was changing me for the better, or just changing me.) Right now, however, with brain and paws at its most feeble, we were probably hosed if this came to blows and guns. It was the same reasoning that had prompted me to accept the fedoras man's "invitation" in the first place. Things hadn't changed.

The room was spartanly furnished, save for the desk with a glowing terminal and a tattered black flag on the back wall showing wicked talons coming out of the darkness. The man strutted around behind the desk, placed his hands on it, and faced us. I shook my head, trying to clear the webs of too little sleep when I caught myself musing that she'd look really attractive if she was a little closer to my age and, you know, a female pup.

"First things first," he glowered at the three of us. "Who are you pups, and who do you work for?"

I bristled. "I could ask you the same thing!"

"Mind yer manners, go green! You're in our territory and my home. I ask you answer."

I Stepped forward, "I'm Rocky. This is Zuma and Rubble. We don't know how we can get here, the last thing I know is that we're getting sucked into a rock-throwing tornado in the middle of the sea." We also had an increasingly desperate need for a place to stay, but I wasn't going to reveal that, much less suggest we settle anywhere near here.

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