Special Writer's birthday

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"Wish you a happy birthday in this rotten place."


New day.

I walk outside my bedroom about to wake everyone up. "Wake up friends, it's time for an exercise." I used the megaphone on my pup-pack.

"It's our first day waking up on this base." Skye yawned.

"Yeah, how are we going to do an exercise?" Rocky added.

"Well, outside of course. C'mon we were wasting time." I lead the way outside the base.

Soon after we get out from the museum Akira sneaking out from her base.

"Look!! There is Akira going out." Rocky pointed.

"Yeah!! Let's say good morning to her dude." Zuma walk himself towards her and Rocky followed.

"I know what Ritsu is going to say at this situation. Taaku! what's is she doing sneaking out like that." Skye commented as we walk closer to Akira.

"Oi! What are you going to do lady Akira." Rubble asked.

Akira looked at us and tilted her head like he doesn't understand us then she put her earrings on.

"Ā, kimitachi! Devu~in ni iwanaide... Matte." Akira clicked his earrings. "Oh it's you guys, can you not tell Devin and Ritsu that I'm going out? It's almost their birthday, They both shared the same day and month but different years."

"I wonder what's their birthday date." I replied.

"12 April, Devin gonna be 19 years old and Ritsu 18 on that date." Akira informed.

"It's only a few more days, Oh! We should get gift for Ritsu and Devin." Marshall suggested as the gear platform moving down.

"Don't mind about Devin's present, he hates present. What's he want to do on his birthday is not to be alone." Draco came out from the base.

"Why he hates gift or present? It's one of the good things about birthday." Tracker asked.

"Bad memories, few years ago he got a present of active ticking bomb and Cool wagon that triggered to blow up when someone open the door." Draco explained.

"That's bad!! How that can be happening!?" Everest asked.

"Welcome!! This is a place where you started with voice and end up in blood." Draco said. "Jokes aside, that's why Devin wants me and Akira get out from this place."

"How about to our place? It's nice and peaceful there and no guns allowed." Rubble suggested.

"Thanks for the offer but I prefer any guns allowed, no raiders or slavers around." Draco refused.

"You want to live with guns allowed in the place?" Skye asked.

"Eh? I love to built and use guns as hobbies and I don't want to stop yet." Draco reasoned

"You're an awful dogs keep killing creatures as hobbies." I replied.

"What!? No, I mean use guns to hunt birds or shooting plates as sport hobby, of course it harm creatures but at least it's legal." Draco panicked.

We all laughed at Draco. "Okay, we get it now."

"You keep doing that I'm going to have Asthma." Draco frowned.

"Well, I should go now so... see you around." Akira leaved.

"Let's excercise by walking to the talons base then get something to eat there." Draco commanded. "We have a lesson to do."

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