Chapter 15: Friend Or Foe!!

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"Whatever happened between us back then... It's just business."



In all 18 armies that were on the mission, there were only three people severely injured and bring treated at the medical center at the talons base. Draco, Akira, Ryder, Golden Snows, me, and my friends just looked at the window room as they lay on the medical bed.

"Those three had the nerve to fight with such a risk, especially Devin." Ryder commend.

"Spirit of fire is the reason that makes them believe they can do anything and fearless," Draco mentioned, "Their spirit burns big as burning forest, instead of my fire that the size of a lighter."

"We were still too young to keep up with them, they're teenagers on their way to becoming adults with higher responsibilities," Ryder said.

After the talk, a nurse comes out of the room. "Draco, Mr. Devin wants to talk with you in private."


"Me? Sure, whatever." I entered the room, there I see Randal is awake and pouring alcohol all over his arm and Ritsu is sleeping but Devin's bed was hidden by a curtain.

"Shalom, you've been waited by Devin," Randal said.

"Draco? Come here, buddy." Devin called me from his bed.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I'd say this once so hear me, I don't want the cure, all I want is not to be alone. I might not survive this so... I think it will be a goodbye, One thing I sure don't bother yourself to find the cure for me." Devin said.

"I need you to stay alive, I can't do everything alone," I replied.

"With or without me you'll survive." He replied.

"What do you mean!? You can't just leave me that way!!" I hit the bed hard, "I still needed you so please... stay alive."

"I don't think time gave me a choice." Devin closed his eyes as he said it.

"I'll make one choice and I'm gonna make you choose it, thanks for the talk." I left immediately.

Akira walked towards me, "What did you talking about with Devin."

"He tries to give me his last speech so I said no, this is not going to be his last word," I replied.

"Then count me in," Akira said.

"Huh?" I confused.

"Your soul tells you to search for that enclave scientist, I will help you," Akira said.

"I'm not going to, Devin told me not to." I reasoned.

"Classic disapproval, not long after this you'll be going to," Akira whispered to my ears. "We'll lose him if you don't make a decision."

"Why must I be the one making the decision!?" I asked but she just waved her tail as she left.


We all still looking at them through the window.

"Well, not that I don't care about those three but I suggest we rest in case there's another mission," I suggested.

Chase nodded. "I suppose we should, let's go."

"I want to stay here longer, I'll catch up with you guys later," Marshall replied.

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