Chapter 13.2: Portable heirloom

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"If you're soft on rebelion, It'll grow."



If we were going to sneak inside the place with a bunch of soldiers guarding it I think it's best to divide into two teams, one for sneaking around and another for support if we got caught.

"Draco Randal, stay here in case something happens." I commanded.

"Sure." They both nodded at me.

"Akira lead the way, no mistake Ritsu." I said.

Akira nodded then started sneak inside the place as I followed her back and Ritsu on my back. We sneak through the air vent searching for the watchdogs leader.

"Spotted 4 people below us, I don't think one of them is the leader of watchdogs." Akira looking at the vent door.

"Keep moving Akira." I whispered.

Akira continued her searching for the leader's room then after 7 minutes on the air vent she found a small room with 5 person.

"I have a good feeling this is the right place, right Akira?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm 100% sure because he just sitting there and two people on the door two people on his side." Akira replied.

"It's time, let's make a right timing for us to attack them from inside and outside." I called Draco with my device. "Draco, it's the time. on my mark... Let's go!"

Akira jumped onto Ritsu's head then down from the air vent into the room the leader of the watchdogs is in. After we hit the floor Ritsu immediately dashed to the Watchdogs leader and directed his weapon to him makes other persons guarding him not dare to shoot us.

"Akira, could use a smoke!!" Ritsu asked.

"Smoke coming up!" Akira throwed a smoke to close the vision.

The Watchdogs leader tried to run but Ritsu dashed towards him and knocked him down.

"Let's clean them up guys, Draco and Randal going to arrived on a few minutes." I walked outside the room and being attacked by two guards and more guard running towards me.

I blocked one of the guard attack dodged the other slash forward and stab him on the back then move it to block the other guard attack and stab his head. There's another guards with guns so I use the dead bodies as shields and pull out my Colt Government pistol and take them down.

"Devin, Let me clear the next room." Ritsu comes out from the leader's room.

"Request granted, go go go!!" I looked at Akira on Ritsu's head. "Careful you two."


I barge into the room with at least 7 guard. They looked ready to fight with melee and firearm on each of them.

"Make way, a fucking cleaning service on duty!!" I screamed as I slide myself to the middle of the room.

Akira gently slapped my face with her paw. "Language."

I dodge every bullet and block every melee weapon that tried to attack me. "Not helping me at all? How can you relax at the gunpoint?"

"You said you wanted to clear a room yourself." Akira reminded.

"A-" I paused. "Fair enough, well... At least a support would do."

"Fine, I'll give you a paw." Akira replied and threw a smoke grenade.

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