The Extra POV's of chapter 5

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"WOW, it actually smells... good!!!"


After everyone gets on the train

Me, Marshall, Everest, and Ryder search for seats to rest our legs then two merchants medic take Marshall and Everest since they're badly wounded my friends gave me a worried look telling me did they can trust these merchants, I nodded at them once. then they followed the medic into the front cart then Skye and Tracker come showed up "Ryder!!".

not long after they meet Ryder to the front, Devin showed from the roof and searched someone, then I remember the merchant word "... As you four leg companion and the others with unique costume and a boy...".

Did Devin search for his dog companion then Devin shouted "Draco!! are you here or somewhere? Draco!!! Answer me partner" There's no one answered

Then a voice from the back of the carriage "I'm *cough* here...". Devin ran to the end of the cart and an Alaskan malamute pup laying on the puddle of blood. there is several cut on the body and two bullets wound on the legs and tail and his left ear have a cut that reminds me of rocky's ear. then I ran to the front and called one of the medics "got another injured pup on the back!", the medic looked at me then followed me to the badly injured pup.

"back there!!!" I said. when I arrive the Alaskan malamute wasn't moving anymore did he... NO!! not with the negative thoughts, he's just unconscious, I'm sure of it. The medic lift Draco The Alaskan malamute to the front with the other injured people. then I looked back to Devin not sure if he having a moment of silence or crying but then I see a drop of his tear, now I'm sure he just pretend to be strong in front of everyone. then he looked outside the train.

"We got incoming!"Devin's voice broke through the sounds of the rain. "Whoa... Chase, we got trouble! Big trouble!" Ritsu shouted outside while flying beside the train

Ryder shot me a worried expression from his seat, like the hope I had built up in her, was shattering. Moving deftly, I snuck up to the nearest window and looked out. Two Raiders were striding up toward the sheriff's office, running through the small river that the street used to be. A third watched over them from the top of a boxcar, then leaped down to walk between them. The two on either side wore heavy battle equipment, but it was the figure in between that caught my attention.

He was tall, her body exuding graceful malice and strength I'd not imagined in anyone. In truth, He hardly looked like a Human at all. From His paws to the long, spiral shaped knives on her head, to her... wings! A winged Raider!

Awestruck, I drew on the only figures like this in my memory. "Ritsu's suit? GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!"

Then Ritsu flies inside the carriage and kicks the fly-suited raider outside, "you're comin' with me" He shouted, Now I know what to do take down the raider on the front carriage, as soon I arrive on the front the raiders jumped to the windows and the medic forced to fight since there's no one guarding them inside, so I help them with Ritsu's versions of pup pack it just like my spy pup-pack only the zipline function is now a gun barding and there's a small opening on both sides of the pup pack for a plasma sword.

I have already learned how to use it "arf!!" I barked and a sound machine and voice came out from the pup-pack "Are you ready?".

"I was born ready" I made my catchphrase for this equipment then the pup-pack pulls out swords from the right and left and takes out weapons from where the zip line should be.

"I was born ready" I made my catchphrase for this equipment then the pup-pack pulls out swords from the right and left and takes out weapons from where the zip line should be

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