Chapter 11.2: Pride Lies Beneath

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"Love, Bravery, Pride, Hope, persistent. Five divine beasts with different power has now arrived. Unite!! Off the limits."


We won this hide-and-seek game. it's all thanks to Chase, if it weren't for His sense of smell that can track anything we would have lost to Golden snow.


"I've come to my last opinion that this undercover practice is not fair." Prince protested.

"In the real fight that's doesn't matter. If they're desperate to get you they will do anything." Akira replied. "Now tonight is the Legends Show-off, in case you don't know it was an event where the old generation soldier would show their abilities to everyone who attended the event. there will be many legendary figures in my generation who will display their skills and test the differences in their respective strengths."

"Sounds fun, but are there enough seats for everyone in the talons?" I asked.

"No, In fact Maybe the seats are too much for everyone in this place." Akira answered. "and also maybe Randal will invite some legendary figures from outside the talons such as former Draco team members, Former member of the team led by Devin, and several other legendary individual figures."

"Legends? we haven't met one legend at all." I muttered.

"We haven't even met Draco's former team yet," Rocky added.

"You have!!" Akira corrected. "you have met the 'Pride Beast', 'Love Dragon', and 'Perseverance Lightning'. that's three of five divine beasts."

"Wha...? Either I don't remember or I Don't know their face." I've tried to remember.

"come on, you're so close to him they probably already consider you a friend." Akira hinted. "or I need to tell you their other nickname. oh! maybe I'll call them when they near us."

"Can't say I know who but I think that's enough clue for me to find out myself," I said.

"If you found a clue and want me to explain something I'll be around here." Akira offered.

"Alright, bet" I replied.

"Oh...!! almost forgot, Your challenge ends when the events started." Akira reminded then walk away.

"Rocky, you in?" I asked.

"A riddle case in a short time," Rocky muttered. "Count me in, I'll read a few histories of wasteland heroes."

"I'm going to search for clues then," I said.

We walked to the main hall then I split as Rocky went to the library, then a mysterious looking... merchant? wearing a brown robe, his face looks blurry.

"hey puppy, I haven't seen you two weeks ago when I stay here for some business." He said, "are you new here?"

"yea, I think you could say that. I've been here for... 5 days." I answered.

"say recruits... can you show me the way to the legends Show-off event will be held" The Merchant embrace my neck.

"Uh... yes of course, if you could step back a little bit you..." I sneezed. "...Kinda *sneeze* Smell like *louder sneeze* Cat." I covered my nose with a piece of cloth.

"Oh sorry, my partner is a Big 'Fat' Cat." He said. 

"No wonder my sneeze is louder than normally it does," I muttered.

A few moments later we've arrived at the digital colosseum if I named it myself.

"thank's young puppy, wish you and your team the best." He said and leaves me.

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